Teach English in Elgin - TEFL Courses

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in Western Cape? Are you interested in teaching English in Elgin, Western Cape? Check out our opportunities in Elgin, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Here Below you can check out the feedback (for one of our units) of one of the 16.000 students that last year took an online course with ITTT!

A teacher who has good classroom management can create a more comfortable and positive environment for the whole class. Good classroom management combines encouraging eye contact, gesture and voice from the teacher along with appropriately organizing groups, classroom setup and interaction between students and teacher. Classroom management can be defined as “the skill of organizing and managing the class, having a friendly, relaxed manner and maintaining discipline” (ITTT, Managing classes, p1). From my experience teaching adults, teenagers, and young children in several different countries, classroom management needs to be planned and consistent from the very beginning. If students know what is expected of them from the start it will be easier for the teacher to maintain discipline while also delivering fun and interesting lessons for the class. I've learned through my own experiences along with completing this tefl course that one of the best ways to have good classroom management is by taking the time to get to know my students. Any time I have begun teaching a new class I have taken the time to learn my students' names and tried to get to know them as individuals. I like to know my students' personalities and interests as well as their skills and challenges of learning. I have always found that getting to know my students works to my advantage for lesson planning and classroom management. This helps during classroom arrangement and planning group or partner work because I know who works well together and who doesn't. I can also vary the groupings based on stronger and weaker students helping and learning from each other. This is also particularly useful in classes of young learners due to possible behaviour issues. It is easier for the teacher to prevent problems and disruptions instead of solving them as they occur. Problem behaviour can therefore be prevented by setting rules and expectations at the very beginning and referring back to these throughout the term. My experience teaching in different classes has also taught me how important eye contact, gesture and the use of my voice can be in managing a class. The tefl course gave me great insight as to how I can use these to attract and maintain my students' attention and also communicate my meaning in several different ways. I've found with young learners in particular, the use of many visuals, mime, and body language not only keeps the children interested but also helps to clarify my meaning. It's also important for the teacher to adapt to the abilities and level of the students, therefore the teacher should always be flexible and yet organized and prepared. Flexibility and varying activities, groupings and interactions in the classroom can lead to good classroom management. It is very important for teachers to not be predictable as this may lead to boredom and students becoming uninterested in class. Finally, good classroom management helps teachers build strong, positive relationships with their students. If teachers maintain discipline in their classroom while also providing students with fun and challenging lessons and activities, students will show them their full interest and respect.