Teach English in Western Cape - TEFL Courses

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in Western Cape? Are you interested in teaching English in Western Cape? Check out our opportunities in this beautiful US state, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
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Aan de Doorns
This unit covered the different parts of speech that make up a typical sentence in English. It covered nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, gerunds, and pronouns.
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This unit reminded me the various parts of speech. Starting with a sentence, each word is a certain part of speech. I learned about different types of nouns such as abstract nouns. I also learned that
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This unit contained topics concerning nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, articles, gerunds, prepositions and conjunctions. Nouns are names of people, things, places and animals and they are
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This chapter outlined the basic building blocks of grammar and the parts of speech. This was a little difficult for me because I do not normally think about the way that I speak since it is just natur
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I learned how to better explain certain parts of speech. I got a more thorough understanding of transitive vs. intransitive words, and also where infinitives are usually used after a transitive verb.
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This course has given me valuable insight into the challenges that might be encountered in tefl and many focused techniques I might apply to meet those challenges. Although I have some experience in
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The course covers most commonly needed areas of grammar for English teachers and students in order to be able to build English sentences. It describes various components of the structure of sentences
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I have been taking the ITTT tefl course on-line with tutor support since January 2012 and almost done with it. I am actually working on my final unit and I must admit that the whole experience has be
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Unit 2 is an introduction to English grammar. The parts of speech are defined and explained in detail. Unit 2 also covers nouns, verbs, articles, adverbs, adjectives, gerunds, auxiliary verbs, preposi
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In this lesson we learned basic grammatical functions, including those of nouns, adjectives, definite and indefinite articles, verbs (including transitive and intransitive functions, infinitives, and
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This unit was a great way to refresh myself on different parts of speech. It was highly detailed and specific. I learned about various parts of speech, their roles, and how they relate to each other i
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I learn about Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives,preposition, articles, conjunctions, gerunds, the basic parts of English speech. There is a lot to learn, and also to teach on this subject of English
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Beaufort West
business english (75) The following information is based upon significant personal experience in teaching business english as well as supplemental theoretical information provided in Unit 19 of our co
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This unit covered the basics of parts of speech. I have a good grasp of grammar, so I already knew most of what was listed. However, native speakers usually tackle parts of speech fairly early in thei
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The basic parts of speech are verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, articles, prepositions/conjunctions, gerunds, and infinitives. I found this lesson to be a good refresher especially the exac
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This unit has been really revealing for me and actually cleared many grammatical aspects i wasn't aware of, I feel I've learnt a lot speacially to difference parts of speech properly, now, i won't hav
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Nowadays, english is widely used as an official language in many countries, i.e. Great Britain, united states and australia to name just a few. These countries, through their power and other factors,
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Betty's Bay
Loved it, great revision and a change in terminology for me too. What you call possessive adjectives I learnt as possessive determiners in the UK. Most of the children I work with are limited in their
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I found the pdf didn't cover enough but the video made up for it. I learnt quite a lot from this unit, or rather it has helped me recognize, categorize and remember a lot of information that I didn't
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In this unit we have covered areas in grammar and how to use and recognize it in sentences and speech. I have realized that learning grammar and teaching it in the simplest and in an enjoyable way wi
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The motivation aspect can be defined as the constant companion in daily life and engine power for obtaining our goals. If we weren't motivated at all, most of our efforts would result vacant and insig
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As an English teacher, it is important to have a solid foundation in basic grammar so as to best explain it to English learners. This includes knowing how to diagram a sentence. Each word in a sentenc
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The basic parts of speech are verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, articles, prepositions/conjunctions, gerunds, and infinitives. I found this lesson to be a good refresher especially the exa
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I learned a lot of terms to describe grammar, which I never knew Before. Before I only knew the grammar automatically from learning how to speak. Now I can explain to people what and why. For example
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I have been out of high school Since 2010.The test and the reading, was a good refresher course, since I have had to take many English classes since then so I think I learned a thing or two from it.
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Camps Bay
The second unit of this course is devoted to reviewing what basic types of words there are and how they are used in sentences, i.e. verbs, nouns, adjectives and so on. This is to to give an in-depth r
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Cape Town
What I have learned on this topic is that nouns are divided into, common, proper, compound and abstract. There are countable and uncountable nouns. We have learnt that adjectives describe nouns. There
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The unit 2 of of this course helps anyone on how to construct a grammatically acceptable sentences. It serves as a Guide on how to give the right sense and meaning of the message that a person wants t
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I have really enjoyed this course. It's helped me substantially more than I'd initially expected it to. Right from Unit 1, teachers and Learners, with the discussion on various roles of the teacher,
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This ITTT online course has provided me everything I need to teach english as a foreign language. It has given me the additional inputs to strengthen my english grammar and phonology. The details of t
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This was an interesting section for me, because I pride myself on being quite good at grammar. When I read and write, I know instinctively what sounds correct and what clearly sounds incorrect. I thou
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This unit mentioned about grammar. Actually, I?m not good at grammar. Especially, indefinite and definite articles make me confuse. Through this unit, I realize again that grammar is important for la
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The content of this unit includes an introduction to parts of speech in English. A good working knowledge of this is very important in order to be able to teach a diversity of students. From this uni
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I learned a great deal in this unit about the complexity of the various parts of speech. Nouns typically Name a person, place, or thing. They form the subject or object of a sentence. Verbs can be tr
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In this Unit 2, I learned many things about parts of speech. Actually this is a very basic of the English and for this time it was good to review and remind the basic. Sometimes people think basic is
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This unit is a general introduction into the grammar of the English language. It begins with an overview of what grammar is. Next, it covers all of the main parts of speech that form a sentence, start
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De Doorns
My View of this unit is very good and easy to understand.. I have not looked long and hard at this subject since my hi-school days.. about 40+ years ago.. I understand it much better now and will
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De Kelders
The main thing I feel I have gained from this course is the confidence to go ‘out there' and be a teacher. Before starting the course I was nervous and doubtful about my abilities, but now I feel c
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De Rust
Unit 2 was a great review of basic sentence structure. The unit clearly introduced and defined the basic rules and terms necessary for understanding grammar. It also touched on the exception to the ru
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When native speakers like myself speak English, we do not really know how the grammar works unless we study them thoroughly. This unit was very informative and interesting to know a variety types of n
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This unit is about parts of speech. Just as the introduction states, I've never really noticed how many different parts of speech are in a simple sentence. Most native English speakers with common kno
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This unit introduced the essential parts of speech. The areas in which this units gave me a better understanding are gerunds, conjunctions and pronouns. I am now better able to explain the subtle diff
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Each word in a sentence can be classified, according to its purpose and the meaning it adds. This is what we refer to as parts of speech. Countable nouns are people, creature and things that can be
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A teacher who has good classroom management can create a more comfortable and positive environment for the whole class. Good classroom management combines encouraging eye contact, gesture and voice fr
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Singing nursery rhymes is one way that most children start to learn their first words alongside the acquisition of language through everyday speech. In The use of songs in teaching foreign languages,
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I am already a certified English teacher, but it was very refreshing to have all of the parts of speech laid out in a manner that is easy to digest and that contains clearly laid out examples. Each wo
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I am finding this course a lot harder than I first anticipated and am not sure if I will be able to complete it in the 6 months allowed as I have other commitments. Having said that I think I have le
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Most of what I learned from this course is how much I don't know about my own language. Many of the units having to do with grammar weren't new to me, but it's been so long since I had to learn the ma
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There are different parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, articles, conjunctions, prepositions and pronouns. Each part of speech has rules associated with it and guidelines for
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This is section of the unit plan, I read about the different parts of speech. Though I knew most of the different parts of speech it was good to get a refresher. I looked at the different subcategori
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