Teach English in Palm Beach - TEFL Courses

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in KwaZulu Natal? Are you interested in teaching English in Palm Beach, KwaZulu Natal? Check out our opportunities in Palm Beach, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Here Below you can check out the feedback (for one of our units) of one of the 16.000 students that last year took an online course with ITTT!

Unit 2 covered the most basic element of English grammar: parts of speech. While most of the information was review for me, the unit provided helpful tips and rules to differentiate between the usage of each part of speech. Many times I have encountered questions from students as to why an adjective or verb is placed in a particular part of a sentence, and I myself didn't know the answer. After studying unit 2, I am much more confident in my ability to describe in detail to students why each part of speech is used in the way it should be used.