Teach English in KwaZulu Natal - TEFL Courses

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Illovo Beach
In Unit 2, we were introduced (or, re-introduced as I'm sure I learned some of this in 3rd grade) to Parts of Speech. While I'm fairly confident in my ability to speak English and do it well, having e
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This unit has given the basics to our English language. It has also pointed out and helped me to realize that our language has a lot of different rules and regulations on different parts of words tha
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I found that I had to read over this unit a lot of times because as said even though I can understand the English perfectly it's understanding the rules that apply and identifying and remembering the
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In this unit grammar has been introduced and it starts with parts of speech. Every sentence has a noun and a verb. Further we can add words to it. Each word in a sentence can be classified according
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Unit 2, The Parts of Speech, has been an excellent review of English grammar basics. Although I have always excelled in the area of English writing and grammar, this unit has reminded me of many of th
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It was review of all the parts of speech. Learning to differentiate between, pronouns, nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, transitive and intransitive verbs, prepositions and other parts of speec
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how to differentiate between transitive and intransitive verbs regulare and irregular verbs kinds of prepositions and the usage of it . kinds of pronouns and categories.knowing conductions makes sent
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how to differentiate between transitive and intransitive verbs regulare and irregular verbs kinds of prepositions and the usage of it . kinds of pronouns and categories.knowing conductions makes sen
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This unit about grammar is very interesting. I like grammar and I am looking forward to the next grammar units. I found very interesting the section about the zero article, as is one of the parts in g
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This section pertains to the dynamics between students and teachers. The most important point made in this unit is that a good teacher should care more about the students' learning than s/he should ab
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This section taught me about grammar in the English language. It pointed out the parts of speech used in English, it gave explanations and examples. It also broke down some parts of speech into furt
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With the knowledge I obtained within this unit, I feel I have gotten a better understanding of how to break down sentences. I now find it easier to understand and easier to explain to others the 'par
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La Lucia
I have learnt that even though I am a native speaker of English and grew up in the UK, I have never considered these grammar rules Before. Which I will most definitely need in order to teach abroad.As
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La Mercy
My head IS SWIMMING. It's been over thirty years since I last had an introduction to English grammar and found this unit had too much in it. The unit could be broken into two units, a basic course of
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this unit give a very practical techniques to achieving a successful teaching through the provision of a real teaching video. Watching the video makes it easier to understand reasons while some lesson
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In this unit i've learnt course books and lesson materials. Cours books are a very emotive issue for many teachers.Some teachers swear by them while other teachers despise them. 1.Authentic materials
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One challenge that teachers face is teaching to different levels. Even with pre-testing it is bound to happen. You can deal with the challenge in a variety of ways. You can split the group into two or
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This unit allowed me to understand the reason for the need for lesson plans. It also gave me a guideline as to how to make one. It covered the necessary components and gave room for personal preferenc
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I am a native speaker of English, and I feel that I have a firm grasp on its grammar. This unit reminded me how much I take for granted. Yes, it is true that I speak English daily and for the most par
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From Unit 2 I learnt which the main parts of the speech are, which is the ground for grammar in English. This lesson teaches not only how to structure in a correct way a sentence, but also how to cla
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This unit broke describe the parts of speech that exist in the English language. As a native English speaker we rarely look critically at our own language. For that reason, it is hard to explain a ru
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This content was very informative. Remembering the facts from the English language took me a moment. I had to clear out some cobwebs. I liked how the overview described on how to tell someone who d
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This was a long and tedious unit to get through. I had a lot of difficulty going back to some of these things as I have not really analyzed the grammatical structure of words I use on a daily basis in
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Mount Edgecombe
In this unit, I learnt about the variety of different Types of speech. I am able to describe the different words that make up a sentence. These parts of speech are nouns, adjectives, articles, verbs,
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I have learnt that student needs to learn all the irregular verbs as they have no rules! The irregular and regular verb charts helped me to see and compare the four principal forms. This unit is well
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This unit has helped ease some of my worries about becoming a teacher and how to conduct a lesson. I have never taught before and I rally appreciated guidelines on how to build a lesson plan so I can
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This unit classifies different parts of speech. Nouns are people, places, things, etc. They can be proper or common and countable or uncountable. Adjectives describe nouns. Definite articles are u
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New Germany
This is a really important for teachers. teachers has to know what to and how to plan lessons about diffrent groups. Teaching bussines english is diffrent. Of course its teaching english but it must b
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New Hanover
This unit was definitely a great refresher! I remembered learning these things all throughout elementary and middle school, but once you are in high school and college going over nouns, verbs, adverbs
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Nouns Name people, animals, places, things, qualities and states, the main Type's are common, proper, compound, abstract and collective. Nouns can also be changed into plural nouns which you generally
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This unit focused on the basic grammar and provided a crash course for instructors to follow in teaching the subject. First classifying what the different parts of a sentence are, expanding on what t
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Nottingham Road
Module 2 introduces the different parts of speech to the student. First a sentence is broken down into 3 categories of Subject, Verb, Object. Then looking further in detail, we can understand that the
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Palm Beach
Unit 2 covered the most basic element of English grammar: parts of speech. While most of the information was review for me, the unit provided helpful tips and rules to differentiate between the usage
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Park Rynie
Despite finding grammar boring, it is always good to review. I have not learned this in school Before and it has given me a deeper understanding of some rules (especially the order of adjectives). D
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There were a few terms I had never heard of Before like gerund and countable and uncountable nouns. To teach, knowing the names of these terms, and especially their categories and the words within the
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I have learned a lot of information regarding different parts of speech. This knowledge will be especially helpful when teaching students who already have some knowledge of the english language. It is
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Parts of speech can be challenging, both to teachers and learners alike, but learning to distinguish parts of speech is essential to forming proper sentence structure. Aside from the difficulty of mas
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During this Unit, Unit Two, I learned of the different parts of speech. To be more specific, I learned and reviewed nouns, adjectives, articles, verbs, auxiliary verbs, adverbs, gerunds, pronouns, and
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I have remembered the different types of nouns, the comparisons, articles, the verb forms, adverbs, gerunds, pronouns and prepositions. Knowing where the adverbs go in a sentence has been very intere
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Grammar learning in the whole commonly needed areas certainly makes life easier and stress free. This unit includes classifying parts of speech, as nouns adjectives articles verbs adverbs gerunds
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Port Edward
As I am a native English speaker, I know the different words and how to use them in a sentence, it comes naturally, but this unit has helped me understand the fundamental grammar rules that govern the
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Port Shepstone
I believe that the grammar reference is quite clear and target-driven which give very brief information about the cores of English grammar subjects. My A1 level students sometimes consider these subje
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Despite knowing all this, being a native English speak a lot of this unit I pick up without being aware of the full context. This unit has give me an insight into the correct rules of grammar. I have
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This unit covers all parts of speech such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and gerunds. It helped me review English grammar, which is good since I
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Richards Bay
This UNIT really helped me with my writing so much, because of this grammar lesson, now I feel more confident and comfortable with my writing its helped me to construct sentence. I know how to make a
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Salt Rock
English can be pretty complicated when it comes to parts of speech. I can understand why so many ESL students think it's the most difficult language to learn. I think once the basic forms of the noun
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I have found this unit interesting as it has given me an insight into correct teaching of speaking and writing . I found the methods of drilling the necessary techniques in this area for learning very
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Despite knowing all this, being a native English speak a lot of this unit I pick up without being aware of the full context. This unit has give me an insight into the correct rules of grammar. This
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Shelly Beach
This lesson I feel was a very important one that I needed early on in this course. I Haven't been exposed to all of these parts of speech since grade school, so I'm happy to have been able to review a
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This unit was full of information, I found myself reading the content two or three times to grasp all the details. I found that the small details gave me one or two high school flashbacks. The unit d
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