Teach English in Gauteng - TEFL Courses

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This unit dissected the structure of sentences into their individual parts, from the more obvious components (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) to the more specialized and obscure (e.g. prepositions and
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This unit showed two different classes. The first video is really a bad class through teacher's attitude and his planning for the lesson.But the second video is a good lesson starts from teacher's emo
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Preparing lesson plan is very important for very teacher of english Language. It is plays a very major role for teachers and students to achieving success of studies and lesson in the classroom. It h
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Grammar is very important in the English language, both for students and teachers. We need to understand what are nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions etc. One cannot teac
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I really enjoyed this Unit as both video's were very clear. It was important to see how the attitude of the teacher could affect the students negatively and positively. I also enjoyed the fact that bo
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I feel that I learnt a lot from this unit. It shocks me how much my school education failed to actually address this kind of fundamental grammar and in fact what I do know is largely Thanks to having
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This unit was very helpful for me as it helped me evaluate myself. It helped me learn more about grammar. It will not only help me improve the way I communicate, but it will also help my students and
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The information about the teacher talk time and Student talk time was the most intruiging. I personally believe that the effectiveness of teacher talk time would be different according to the national
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Studying the part of speech is not easy. I have to understand each parts and its sub-categories. It is important that you are aware on each usage and be able to recognize each differences. I took a lo
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Part of speech is the basis of learning grammar as every sentence is break down in to it. it is very enlighten for teacher to understand this each part very well in their various forms so as to give s
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This is logically presented and well worded. The material in Unit 2 is a great refresher course for native English speakers like myself. I have been thoroughly taught this material as a child and am v
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As it is mentioned in this unit, part of the speech is as important as methodology and strategies because as teachers we need to have grammatical knowledge of the language we are teaching. In my opini
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Summing up this unit I would like to say that I tried to brush up my grammar.I revised formation of plurals, adjactives (comparative and superlative degrees), adverbs of frequency, prepositions of pl
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