Teach English in Hobhouse - TEFL Courses

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Knowing how to identify different parts of a sentence can help me to explain to the students how to make a correct sentence by helping them to to understand about the sentence structure. There are different types of noun, such as Common (e.g. table), Proper (e.g. Isabella), Collective(e.g. friends),countable (e.g. apples), uncountable (e.g. water), Compound (e.g. police office), Abstract (e.g. amazing) and Plural(e.g. goose - geese). Adjectives are used to describe nouns, e.g. Mary is a beautiful young lady. Beautiful and young are the adjectives used to describe Mary(Noun). The rule of how to put adjectives in order is size-age-colour-material. Also, there are comparative and superlative, e.g. tall-taller-tallest. Sometimes, we don;t just add -er or -est at the end of the adjective, we need to put more and most in front of the basic form of the adjective, e.g. innocent- more innocent- most innocent. For some adjectives, we change the whole word for the comparative and the superlative instead of add words in front of or after it, e.g. good- better- best. There are definite(the) and indefinite (a and an) articles. Definite article is used to refer to a specific noun, e.g. the palace. Indefinite articles are use to refer to a general noun, e.g. a boy or an Orange. Verbs are the 'doing' words, there are transitive and intransitive. Transitive verb is a verb that is affective, e.g. Jason is kicking a ball. Jason is the subject and a ball is the object, Jason would be able to kick a ball if the ball doesn't exist. Intransitive verbs are usually related to movement, time, place and frequency, e.g. Shall we eat now? Also there are four forms of verbs, base form, present participle, past simple and past participle, e.g. Love- loving-loved- loved. Auxiliary verbs are used to help to form a tense, e.g. be- is, am ,are- was, were- been. Adverbs are used to add more information to the verb. There are five main types of adverbs, time (e.g. now), place (e.g. here), manner (e.g. softly), quality (e.g. very) and frequency (e.g. once). Gerund is -ing form of a verb. Pronouns are used to replace the nouns. There are personal, possessive, reflexive and relative pronouns, personal pronouns are I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, they, them, us and etc. Possessive pronouns are Mine, yours, his, her ,theirs, its, ours and etc. Reflexive pronouns are myself, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, ourselves and etc. Relative pronouns are who, whose, which and that. Prepositions are used to show the relationship between a pronoun and the other words in the sentence. There are three main types of prepositions, Time (e.g. at), Movement (e.g.through) and position (e.g. above). Of and with are prepositions too but they don't fit into any of those categories. Conjunctions are used to join words together in a sentence. For example, and, or, not, but, also, since, unless and etc. Also, neither... nor, both... and etc. ", Unit 2 was an overview of the parts of speech in the English language. The lesson defined each part of speech and discussed the main types for each. It also gave several examples to better explain the subject and show irregularities. I had a fairly good concept about the parts of speech; however