Teach English in Free State - TEFL Courses

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Petrus Steyn
Quite an insight into the different parts of speech. As a native speaker, many of these parts have never been covered through my own schooling. I have been able to understand the complexities of (and
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In this unit I learned more about the different types of nouns and verbs and also how important it is to teach them. We don't think about why we talk the way we do it just comes normal. This can make
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This unit focused on the productive skills of a learner. These skills specifically deal with writing and speaking. The unit gave some clear reasons why a person communicate. Two of these reasons are t
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This is a unit that trains the basics of the structure of speech and sentence formulations and parts. It shows what all parts of words that might be included in a sentence and their complexities. I ha
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I found it refreshing and descriptive on the varying aspects of sentence structure. Also ensuring that my own doubts forced me to review over and over certain aspects of sentence structure to ensure I
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This unit was about basic parts of speech (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, pronouns, superlatives, verbs, adverbs, etc.) I did find this unit to be a bit challenging as it's not common for me to have to
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The parts of the speech are the elements that form the idea to communicate. They are classified in different forms in order to understand them and use them correctly. Some of them are apparently simpl
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In this unit I have learned to properly Name various parts of speech, like a noun, its article, verb, adverb, adjective, pronoun, conjugation and preposition. Very useful when you need language to exp
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In this unit we covered basic sentence structure and the various parts of speech. As a native English speaker I of course use these parts of speech everyday but am more often then not completely unawa
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Unit 2 Parts of Speech. This unit is an introduction to English Grammar, it explains and provides deffinitions of each part of speech and proper usage of it. In this unit I have learned about Englis
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This unit gives a clear comparison between an effective lesson and an ineffective one. The first lesson was ineffective because the teacher did not help the students engage in the lesson. The teacher
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Understanding parts of speech is essential for teaching learners of English. Although no teacher is required to know all rules of English grammar, for building raport, it is required that teachers are
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This unit reviewed the parts of speech in some detail and gave different examples and usages of each Type. It was very helpful for me going over transitive and intransitive verbs as this is something
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Unit 9 teaches me how to effectively plan a lesson and what makes for the success of each lesson. Implementation and reflection of every lesson is important as it allows the teacher to gauge her abili
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Thaba Nchu
Unit two broke down the different parts of speech. It breaks down the different elements of a sentence, their meanings and placement within a sentence. It provides sound examples that may be used in a
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This unit was very instructive. Countable and noncountable nouns, pronouns, possessive adjectives, transitive and intransitive verbs,gerunds, all the kinds of adverbs and adjectives, prepositions, and
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It told us that there are many parts of speech. They are nouns, adjectives, comparisons, articles, verbs, adverbs, gerunds, pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions. Different part of speech has differ
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This section was a great refresher of what I learned throughout grade school. I even feel I learned things that I did not grasp when I was younger, such as adverbs and gerunds. I also got a more in de
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A basic sentence, which consist of a subject and verb, is the simplest form of structure in the English grammar rule. Sentences can also have an object besides the subject and verb. For example, The m
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Van Stadensrus
Throughout this unit I learned about the basics of the different parts of speech. By learning these basics I have a new level of understanding when it comes to creating sentences and understanding th
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I found the two video lessons that comprised the content of this unit to be very interesting. The first example lesson was horrifying and I felt bad for the students. The second was fun to watch becau
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A great recap on most grammatical usage. Was interesting to see the break down on common, everyday sentence structure that we as "native English speakers"" know and use everyday without really knowin
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This unit is a good introduction to grammar- parts of speech. It explains each of the parts of speech in detail; verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions. How to place t
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In unit two an introduction to grammar-parts of speech we learnt the importance of sentence structure and what makes up a sentence. The basic parts of speech that we I learnt about were nouns, verbs,
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Parts of speech are an essential part of English. I was unclear of many of the rules that were taught during the lesson. Like transitive and intransitive verbs and even some basic simple rules, like
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Grammar is a really important part of a language. we like or not, as a teachers, we need to know about it in order to show our students how English indeed is. A language can be spoken in many ways, ba
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At first, the concept of the teaching of grammar to students seems to be a frightening one. But after going deeper into the material, taking everything apart to smaller, friendlier units it is not suc
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Though this section was mostly review for me as I speak Eng. and received my education here, I found several rules that explain "why"" we use a particular part of speech the way we do. As an educato
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Through this unit, I've learned the different parts of speech. I always knew that the English language was so complex and that I have mastered the basics. But with lack of practice, I seemed to have f
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Even though I have studied parts of speech in other languages such as Portuguese, french, spanish, etc... this unit has given me a great insight to the parts of speech in the English language. This un
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The grammar seems a very hard thing but there is actual some logic to be found. For example Comparative Adjective = to compare = better, nicer, sweeter etc. Superlative adjective = the superior = th
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What I learned from Unit 2 "Introduction to Grammar - Parts of Speech"" is incredibly complex technically in theory while every day practice is taken for granted. Parts of speech can contain each the
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