Teach English in Free State - TEFL Courses

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The unit explains the importance of planning a lesson and how it’s usefulness in the long run. It talks about the three important functions of writing a lesson plan: 1) An aid to planning
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I learnt that a sentence may consist of some parts ,the main are: subject,verb and object.The sentence also may contain nouns and adjectives to describe them,it may also include adverbs which describe
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Parts of speech was a very in depth section. This has allowed me to further on the knowledge I already have from previous learning. I am now aware of how each part of a sentence is important to it
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Although I confidently use different forms of the past tense, I wasn't certain in the grammatical terms, especially for forms. I enjoyed learning about these, especially what I hadn't come across Befo
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I honestly have not thought about English grammar in such a direct way for quite a few years. Therefore, it was wonderful to go over it again with the mindset of how I am best (and most effectively) g
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English grammar is very important, so in this unit we?ve start to learn about the parts of speech. This unit is concerned with recognizing and classifying this part of the speech. NOUNS: names anima
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In this unit, I learned about the parts of speech and grammatical rules of English. Some things that particularly stood out to me were the differences between transitive and intransitive verbs (somet
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This unit summarized the basic parts of speech used in English. It did a good job of showing their basic use while also showing how complex and ambiguous English grammar can be. This was a really good
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Boompie Alleen
Having taught in Europe and currently in vietnam there is a big difference in teaching methodologies. I find here that a lot of the teaching methodologies are based on the "grammar - translation"" met
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This unit covered all the different parts of speech in great detail. The unit was very specific and gave several examples of usage for every part of speech mentioned. I learned a great deal while read
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Unit 7 focuses on the Receptive Skills of Listening and Reading. It also provides reasons and motives for using these skills and details some of the specific skills used when both listening and read
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This unit was a lot of information presented in a very clear way. The information presented in chapter two was like a cliffs notes of the nuts and bolts of what I will be teaching. Grammar is a very d
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What I learned from unit 6 is that attitude matters. It was amazing what the difference is in the atmosphere of the class when the teacher changed his attitude. In the first video I felt very uncomfor
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which simply refers to -ing. I'm not sure if I will stop saying -ing and start saying gerunds instead This unit focused on the basic functions of English grammar. During this unit I pictured myself
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This unit was about the differnt parts of speach. Before studying this unit I only understood some of the parts of speach usch as nouns, verbs and adjectives. This unit taught me some parts of speach
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In this unit, I reviewed the basic parts of speech in English. Some of the parts of speech that were reviewed in this unit were nouns (countable, uncountable, proper, common, etc.), adjectives, adverb
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What I have learned from this unit is that there is 7 different Future Tenses that the english commonly uses. It was interesting to learn the form and usage so I could apply them to the classroom when
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No one could expect a teacher to be a walkingh grammra,but there are certain basic rules that one should be aware if he/she wants to be e teacher-the different kinds of verbs-transitive or intansitive
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No one could expect a teacher to be a walkingh grammra,but there are certain basic rules that one should be aware if he/she wants to be e teacher-te different kinds of verbs-transitive or intansitive
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This section is a great review and something I will return to in order to master the 4 present tenses. I don't feel some of the activities outlined in the videos will be all that helpful for large cla
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Unit 2 was quite difficult for me because I didn't know everything about basic grammar.Some of the topic I knew already but still could teach Me new things. The whole lesson was clear and understandab
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English grammar is composed of various elements that come together to make language. As a teacher and native speaker, many elements of grammar may come second nature, but it is important to have the
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In this unit, I remembered about some grammar topics I have not thought about in a while like transitive and intransitive verbs. I also had time to review some of the past participles that in my opini
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This unit taught methods of gauging an english learner's proficiency and progress. It has explained the many reasons why student's take tests and why a teacher would want to administer them. Furthermo
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From verbs to nouns, pronouns to adverbs, this unit contains all the basics of grammar for your classroom. Understanding exactly how the English language works can be somewhat difficult being a nati
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I have taken an advanced grammar course during the course of my college education, and so this unit was mainly a review. It was useful, however, for gathering examples of rules of thumb, exceptions, a
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.this section was as important as previous because the half of success is in the right book . these tips are quite useful. Also ready play-role cards are also needed. Thanks for the video and written
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I really enjoyed this lesson. Even though I have been teaching English for some years now and I have acquired some knowledge of grammar , I really loved how simply everything was explained. I really l
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If this is an example of chapters to come it is a lot more difficult than I imagined. I am a 47 year old man and I am a native speaker, and I feel that I am a pretty good speaker, and have a pretty g
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I think that grammar, although hard to teach, is an integral part of teaching English. Even adults who know English have a hard time with grammar because it is not taught in a way that students can un
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Unit 2 detailed parts of speech for the English language. It is amazing how much a native English speaker will just know from reading or hearing as correct or incorrect sentence structure without know
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Knowing how to identify different parts of a sentence can help me to explain to the students how to make a correct sentence by helping them to to understand about the sentence structure. There are di
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This unit was a refresher on grammar. I learned that I don't remember the rules as well as I thought. I often know that something does not sound correct, but not the reason. This was an uncomfortabl
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I believed I was pretty knowledgeable of grammar rules and terms, but found my head swirling as I tried to help myself understand the difference between infinitives of verbs and auxiliary verbs. Intr
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This second unit has further updated my knowledge on the eight of parts of speech and their usage.I have been able to know the various types of nouns,adjectives,articles,verbs,and adverbs. I have also
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This unit help describe the basic grammatical forms in the English language. I believe I got an overview of what those forms are and how they are used in sentences and speech. These basics will be im
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My overall takeaway from this lesson relates back to some of the basic lessons I learned in Unit 1. As a native English speaker I speak this way because it was taught to me at an early age. It is ra
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Grammar and parts of speech is an area of English that proves to be the most difficult task to overcome. It is not expected that teachers are by any means a walking grammar book but it is a critical
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My goal is to teach business english and this Unit provide wonderful insight into that area of tefl. It provided information or instruction about how to and is a "needs analysis"" which is something t
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There is a lot in this unit! Nailing down the usages for each tense will be ongoing I think. Again these are things I say and do in regualr day to day conversation but in teaching these tenses I need
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It sure took me a couple of days in reading, understanding and getting a more in depth knowledge of all the parts of speech. I learnt alot from this unit. I speak english in my everyday life but i und
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This unit covers the basic grammatical units of the English language, or parts of speech. These concepts can be difficult for both teachers and students, as native speakers often employ these features
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This unit talks about the parts of speech and grammar, how to learn it and how to tach it. We learned rules of grammar, regular and irregular. Regular and irregular verbs, transitive and intransitive
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There is a lot in this unit! Nailing down the usages for each tense will be ongoing I think. Again these are things I say and do in regular day to day conversation but in teaching these tenses I need
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This lesson was more difficult as it dealt with the ESA model but did not give examples in the text. This created a situation where I had to answer the questions using what I have learned in earlier s
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This unit is about the different parts of speech that are: articles, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, gerunds, prepositions and conjunctions. Each part of speech has a specific usage and m
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The grammar is the language's structure. In order to teach the language we need to start at the base of the language structure, this is what we call ' the parts of speech'. We distinguish eight diffe
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Unit 1 is an overview of everything that will be covered in this class. It breaks down the six units 1-6 and briefly presents all of the major topics discussed within those units. The most helpful par
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Unit Two gave an overview of the different parts of speech and their usage rules. It defined nouns, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, and other parts of speech and described the different types
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Paul Roux
Troubleshooting is easy when you take the time to understand the neeeds of the students and build a rapport with them from day one. Students are willing to do the work necessary to learn the language
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