Teach English in Eastern Cape - TEFL Courses

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in Eastern Cape? Are you interested in teaching English in Eastern Cape? Check out our opportunities in this beautiful US state, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
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Unit two covered the parts of speech and sentence structuring. This unit gave me the opportunity to brush up on my grammar skills. I knew the basic components of speech but it was nice to recall speci
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Unit 2 has given me a solid foundation from which to build up my English language teaching skills. Surprisingly, I did not initially know many of the elements that were introduced in this unit, despit
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Fort Beaufort
This unit is very important as I have learnt some rules which were considered by sense. It is a bit confusing but it is really important. What I still need to do is to have some more exercises. I wi
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Unit 17 introduces some of the many equipment and teaching aids that are available to the efl teacher. It is important to know the pros and cons of some of the common teaching aids and how to use them
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In this unit I learned that there is much more to grammar than I thought. What I remember from school was the following simple list: nouns, adjectives and verbs. After seeing this unit, studying the i
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Graaff Reinet
In this unit we learned the basic parts of a sentence and how they are used in the structure of the sentence. We learned the different forms of a verb from the base form, past simple, past participle
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During this unit I learned the basic parts of speech patterns. This section was hard. I am a native English speaker and follow many of these rules naturally. They were taught to me at a very young age
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This unit is all about tenses and parts of speech. I have learnt many things in this unit, mostly about comparative and superlative adjectives. It was very interesting to learn about verbs and gerund
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Parts of speech are basic units that help us to build sentences. Even the simplest sentences consist of various parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, pronouns, conjunctions and prepositions. The more
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This unit was all about parts of speech and being able to classify these parts of speech. I learnt about nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, gerunds, conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns.
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This unit gives a general break down of sentence structure and parts of the sentence. I learned Plenty in this unit. Although I speak English well, I never truly learned the parts of the sentence and
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Jeffreys Bay
This unit goes into clear and concise detail about the basics of English grammar. It begins by explaining that, while many may be intimidated at the prospect of being seen as a perfect reference Guide
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Kenton on Sea
This unit talks about different types of speech of the English language. The most common one is noun, it names an object. Nouns have two forms: singular and plural (e.g. fox - foxes). We need to reme
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King William's Town
in this chapter i didnt understand exactly the first part and the second part of the study activity and te activate activity. this chapter is so difficult to understand. i try to know somthing about t
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In this unit the roles responsibilities of the teacher is discussed. The qualities of a 'good' teacher and learner are also discussed. I feel I have learned that it is very important to be a â€
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Lady Frere
This unit talks about general grammar information. It analyses all the parts of speech that we use to construct an English sentence. Grammar is an important area for English teachers to know, even if
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Lady Grey
This unit provides an overview of the parts of speech of the English language and how they are used. It identifies the different types of nouns, articles, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions,
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Grammar, specifically how to apply the patterns thereof, greatly increases your understanding and mastery of a language. It is the building blocks of any language and once you have mastered the basics
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Besides being very confusing at times, I wish this unit came with a video to better explain word placement in sentences. It would also be nice to have a little mini test after each section that is not
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For me, this section helped to highlight and bring out the parts of speech I use both verbally and in writing on a daily basis that seems to come so naturally. However, after carefully studying the le
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This unit did an excellent job of breaking down the basic rules of grammar. I feel that the ability to Name and identify the parts of speech will be very useful in teaching English. It is one thing to
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Through this unit, I have learnt many grammatical terms in parts of a speech. There are a total of 8 broad types - nouns, adjectives, articles, verbs, adverbs, gerunds, pronouns, and prepositions/conj
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Unit 13 was a lesson on linguistics as well as patterns in speech. It discussed the rise and fall of intonation in a sentence to clarify if one is finished talking or if they are expecting a response
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Mount Fletcher
i have learned a lot about gramatical structure of a sentence and about how to identify diffrent part of verbs ,nouns,adjectives ,conjuctions and prepostions.Also it's very interesting to know how si
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This unit covered all the eight parts of speech in detail with their definitions and relevant( and interesting) examples.Teaching Grammar has always been a very challenging experience for me ,hence th
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Nieu Bethesda
This unit reflects on some of the problems/issues that teachers may face in their TFL class. It highlights the difficulties and benefits of large class sizes and gives some advise on how to deal with
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Oyster Bay
The content of this unit includes various different parts of speeches such as adverbs, adjectives, nouns, and also more complex parts of speeches for example, proper nouns, personal pronouns and unco
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This unit teaches the different parts of speech. I have learned the many different types of nouns and how to recognize them. For example, proper nouns are nouns with capital letter such as a person's
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This unit covers the building blocks of the language which are the parts of speech. It was good to see an emphasis on aspects commonly considered troublesome to non-native speakers such as countable a
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Port Alfred
This was a great unit. I benefited from the information. I learned about the general necessary rules I must keep in mind when working in another country. I learned what questions I need to ask myself
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Port Elizabeth
I have learnt that whilst I am able to speak english fluently it is still a tough subject to comprehend and this unit and test still shows that I need to brush up on some basic essentials. I will con
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Port St. Johns
As a language teacher, one must possess and strong knowledge of grammar and the ability to teach students the many rules and exceptions that enable their students to achieve English proficiency. It i
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This unit really helped me to identify and classify parts of speech. I am surprised how much I have forgotten since I was in school. It was good to have a refresher course of parts of speech I was fam
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Somerset East
This unit was a refresher course on the grammar. Refreshing my knowledge in the difference between verbs, adverbs, nouns, etc. is an important aspect in my ability to teach English. In this unit I c
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St Francis Bay
This unit shows the many facets which make up the english language and the use of grammar.Grammar reflects the different content in which one is speaking, oral or written word. The context in which gr
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This section explained the various parts of speech and there functions. The breakdowns of the parts of speech provided in the accompanying document were helpful and the video lecture helped simplify
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Planning lessons depends on the individual. Lesson planning for an experienced teacher may be rigid and constricted. But an inexperienced teacher may need a lesson plan to keep structure in the classr
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It is much harder to remember the nuances and names of every part of speech than it is to use correct grammar in everyday life. Therefore, this unit served as a good reminder of the grammar rules that
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This unit provides a comprehensive overview of the parts of speech. As a native speaker with strong verbal skills, I have been able apply these grammatical rules in everyday speech and writing for mo
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This unit is a great refresher of English grammar and sentence structure. The majority of american adults would probably fail this test, but all of this information is essential in teaching children t
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Rules and exceptions in the English language can be difficult to retain, therefore it is important to review such lessons as this one. It refreshes the memory and enhances the proper way of writing an
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This unit covered the parts of speech. It reviewed nouns, definite and indefinite articles, verbs, adverbs and how to use them. It also described the difference between transitive and intransitive
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