Teach English in Eastern Cape - TEFL Courses

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This unit introduces grammar and the parts of speech in the English language. It covers all the basic principles and rules when forming a basic sentence. Reading through this chapter,I realized how co
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In this unit I have learned how to grasp each individual part of speech. There are ten parts; Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, infinitives, gerund, articles and conjunctions.
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In Unit 2 the parts of speech were covered. Nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, articles, and prepositions were all expected. But I actually learned of the term Gerund while working on this
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Unit 15 focused on the ways you can evaluate and test your students as they progress in learning english as a foreign language. It's not only important to test a student's knowledge and ability after
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The Unit material is structured in a way that provides easy access to the rules pertaining to Parts of Speech. The examples are excellent. The terminology of English language rules is often very diff
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This introduction to the grammar part of the language was refreshing. If we consider that grammar and social interaction go together, than having and understanding of the grammatical part of any langu
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This Unit was the one that worried me most in that I still struggle with grammar the most in my writing. I like that this unit broke everything down to its very basics from the nouns all the way to th
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This unit helped me to better define lots of the grammar rules and terms that I have known for a long time, but would have had a hard time explaining them so precisely. Things like gerunds and infinit
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Aliwal North
This unit has been (so far) the most useful of the units I have completed in this course. One of the reasons being that I am not fully aware of all the grammatical rules used in parts if speech. As a
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This unit provided an overview of the parts of speech, breaking down the various parts of a sentence, what each piece means, and how to appropriately use each piece in a sentence. I learned this all i
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In this section I learnt about the basic parts of grammar found in speech. I was shown how to identify and classify each part of a sentence. I learnt how to structure sentences so they make sense and
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This unit outlines grammatical techniques that aid in ensuring higher quality teaching. These grammatical techniques reminds native speakers of the English language of the importance in teaching gram
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Barkly East
This unit focused on elementary English grammar. It teaches native speakers rules that they may not think about but that are challenging to those trying to learn the language. These rules can be confu
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The teaching of the English language is really hard because of all of the rules that have to be followed. It is not just the rules though that make it difficult. It is all of the nuances that come i
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Overview: Lesson materials are either authentic or created by the teacher. Authentic materials are not specifically designed/created for the efl student whereas the created materials are. Lesson mate
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Unit 2: Parts of Speech is a grammar based unit that explores the different parts of speech that make up the English language. This unit covers basic grammar such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adver
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Sentences are made up of words. Each word in a sentence has a function, rule and place in a sentence. This unit helps explain this in a clear and concise way. The unit introduces you to the basic for
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This unit may be quite confusing as there are a lot of rules and details I forgot as a child. Plenty of exception and some examples are nice to compare where kids or adults may be confused about such
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The most difficult part of speech for natives English speakers and foreign speakers alike, is the preposition, generally speaking. Communicating what it means can be difficult if the learners do not
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I have learned that parts of grammar can be very confusing not only for the student, but the teacher too. Memorization is key in figuring out how and when to use certain parts of speech. I studied t
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It's great to see the order of ESA lesson plan procedure and incorporated lesson activity ideas. I can see how the Straight Arrow builds and develops new concepts for students to absorb and eventually
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This unit was about parts of speech. We looked at sentences and learned to label the different types of words that make up a sentence. A sentence has a subject and a verb. Some sentences have objects.
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This unit was generally about parts of speech, which has introduced the use of different words and the manner in which most of them can be used, for example how multiple adverbs can be used by followi
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Bonza Bay
Tests have a way to make some people nervous. But the teacher can help alleviate this by giving periodic and often assessments and using the different types of tests during the course of a school year
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Unit 2 is an introductory to grammar. The unit started from the assumption that the reader has zero level knowledge. The unit begins with simple sentences and the various parts of speech. The followi
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I have learned that parts of grammar can be very confusing not only for the student, but the teacher too. Memorization is key in figuring out how and when to use certain parts of speech. I studied
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The English language has clear rules, which are easy to remember after a brief review. However, there seem to be more exceptions to the rules which make it more difficult to identify the part of speec
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In this unit I learned the basic parts of speech. I learned about nouns, adverbs, verbs, adjectives, gerunds, pronouns, and other parts of speech that are fundamental to the English language. In this
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In this unit I learned various teaching methods for a variety of esl class types. To improve on language acquisition in the various different types of classes; instructors should use strategies and ac
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Cannon Rocks
This unit discussed the major parts of speech, as well as the rules and exceptions that go along with them. I was reminded of specific rules related to grammar that have become second nature to me. T
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Cape St. Francis
I found the grammer covered by this unit to be clearly put and well structured. The only part where I had to look for more information online was to figure out the exact difference between adjectives
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This supports the argument as to why English is one of the most difficult languages to learn post-puberty. I thought I had it rough studying japanese grammar for 7 years. I completely forgot about t
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This unit covers the parts of speech in a sentence, with examples for each. It reviews the usages, types, and plurals of nouns, and countable versus uncountable nouns; adjectives and their comparative
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The word "learnt"" should be spelled ""learned"". This instructor is very difficult to understand. I am from the united states and even within our own country pation." this unit showed me that i need
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I found this unit very useful and informative. I have taken grammar courses in the past and this unit was a great refresher for the parts of speech. Nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions
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Grammar is an indispensable part of speech. It helps us to transfer our ideas and opinions to other people in a more suitable way. It is the whole structure of a language, in my opinion. Although many
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On this first grammar unit we recognize the different parts of speech, which are how we classified words in a sentence according to their purpose and meaning when added. Before we study the elements
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Coffee Bay
This unit was helpful in teaching me how to manage a classroom confidently. Maintaining discipline while having a good rapport with the students is an important aspect of being a good teacher. It was
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This unit covered the basic structure and basic grammar points of the English language. More specifically, it covered articles, adjectives, both the comparative and superlative forms, pronouns, count
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The catagorisation of words that will be found in english sentences: Nouns, Adjectives etc. etc. and they can be categorised themselves. As well as how they change relative to context. But principall
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The second unit is a review on the parts of speech, a basic subject matter in learning a language. Since language is made up of words, the learners must understand its basic units. They have to distin
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This unit is about the listening and reading skills out of the four basic skills used to learn any language. It was really helpful to know the different types of usages we have for this two skills and
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Lesson planning is one of the most important things teachers have do because it helps you to deliver your lesson in a efficient way. You are able to set goals for your students to reach during that le
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This unit taught me that I really do not know parts of speech as much as I thought I did. I was unaware that adverbs were so dynamic and not just words that end in -ly. For example, I wouldn't have th
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This is definitely the area of subject which I myself must sharpen on in order to teach. English grammar is said and done naturally but without concrete understanding of the structure and categories w
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This unit provided an introduction to Grammar. It identified the various parts of speech, and explained each part. There are many rules to learn to properly identify each word in a sentence. However,
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This section has shown me what I have forgotten since school! How I have been doing things automatically. In terms of content, re-discovering correct sentence structure as well as the grammatical elem
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This unit is very important as I have learnt some rules which were considered by sense. It is a bit confusing but it is really important. This unit is very important as I have learnt some rules which
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East London
Speaking and writing are important skills for a student to have. They are the productive skills where students produce. It is important to have a classroom that has a variety of speaking and writing o
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Important in this unit are the qualities of good teachers and good learners. A focus also is cultural sensitivity and awareness of the levels of english Language Learners. This unit suggests that good
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