TESOL Jobs Australia Melbourne

Check out about TESOL Jobs Australia Melbourne and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

I was particularly interested in the 1:1 lessons content and the corresponding activity suggestions as this is most relevant to me at present. " Unit 12 talked about writing and speaking skills. It also showed ways to incorporate games in your teaching methods. It talked about accuracy and fluency. The best learning experience I received from this lesson is ways to use the activity stages that go along with the speaking and writing skills. How interesting it is to watch the two videos and see the big difference of the effect of the teacher's demeanor to student's learning. It gave me an idea on how to proceed on my teaching. The technique used by the teacher in the second video encourage students to participate in the lessons. The videos are very helpful.