TESOL Certification Uzbekistan Andijan

Check out about TESOL Certification Uzbekistan Andijan and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

This unit was helpful because it made me go back to the unit 3 and review what I had learned. It also made me think about the structure of a lesson and appropriateness of various activities for various parts of a lesson. This lesson provides a complete picture of the productive skills. I was impressed by how different these two skills are taught and how important it is to engage the students with the appropriate activities. I also noticed how seemingly little things as handwriting are really important in the way a message will be perceived by the reader. This unit taught me about some nuances when it comes to using "going to"" that I had not known of before. I hadn't realized that there was a distinction between predictions with and without evidence present.