TESOL Certification Poland Tarnow

Check out about TESOL Certification Poland Tarnow and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

The main points I learned from this unit were "what makes a good teacher"" and ""what makes a good student/learner"". I learned about the various roles that teachers must play in order to create an optimal learning environment according to the needs of the students. It was interesting to note that a good teacher will know how to manipulate the balance of ""teacher-centred"" and ""student-centred"" tasks to create effective lessons. The explanation of english levels/abilities was helpful to me as I now have a clearer idea of what category my current students might fit under so I will be sure to pay particular attention to those areas as I progress through the course. I liked the outline of qualities of a good learner. I strongly agree with motivation as a heavily weighted factor in successful language learning. Presently