TESOL Certification Papua New Guinea Port Moresby

Check out about TESOL Certification Papua New Guinea Port Moresby and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

Unit 15 on exams and evaluation helped me understand the importance and key focus of different exams. I know that tests are always important to keep an eye on where the class is at and what needs to be reviewed. The not only do the exams show the progress of each student but it is also a good tool to review how I am doing as a teacher. If the students are not doing well it can help me rearrange my approach to help the students understand the course a bit more clearly. Exams can also help me determine the weaker points in the lesson. It is also encouraging for students to see how well they are doing and can motivate them to keep up the hard work.