TESOL Certification minas Gerais santa luzia

Check out about TESOL Certification minas Gerais Santa Luzia and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

Unit 10 compares two videos of lessons on the same topic conducted by the same teacher. In video 1 the teacher behaves in a very rude and patronizing way. He speaks very fast and doesn't take into account that the students do not understand the content and tasks of the lesson. In video 2 the teacher has a positive and friendly attitude. He structures his lesson using the ESA method and makes sure all students participate. He gives prompts when needed and praises his students in an appropriate way. I enjoyed watching the videos which helped me analyze how a teacher's behavior and teaching methods impact the success of a lesson and relationship created with the students.