TESOL Certification Japan Ibaraki

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This is a very important unit for english expression. Intonation and stress allow english to be a very expressive and powerful language. This unit shows a variety of valuable teaching tools to make the spoken language more expressive. The written language reflects what is spoken and this should be made clear in the english lesson. I am thinking specifically of poetry and political speaking. The common stress syllables is also important. Listeners (and readers) of our english expect stress to be in certain places in words and sentences. I would expect this would be learned with exposure to native-english speakers. I must speak out about "Phonemic Symbols"" (44 count). These are a different language and would only confuse a student of english. I am well versed in coding techniques so I could interpret most of the test questions involving phonemics. I do not understand how this is useful in Unit 13 or in the english class. My notes show that the script on page 22 would sound as follows: