TEFL Wujin

Check out about TEFL Wujin and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

A.M. – U.S.A. said:
I have gained several things from this course. To begin, I feel as though my confidence in teaching esl has increased dramatically. I will not be starting from scratch on a variety of aspects beginning with lesson planning to management of students. I feel as though I have a solid foundation when it comes to how to devise a lesson and ensure the students are able to comprehend what is being taught. I feel confident in my ability to keep the students interested in the lessons. Learning different methodologies on lesson planning, such as Straight Arrow, Boomerang and Patchwork ESA will ensure that I keep my lessons varied and catered to particular students needs. I will utilize all of the above-mentioned items that I learned during this course. I will use them in all aspects of teaching starting with planning a lesson to grading student work. I will gladly refer back to my completed units for future help or questions that may arise.