TEFL West Almond New York

Check out about TEFL West Almond New York and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

The term learning difficulty is applied to students who struggle with advancement in basic skill areas such as language, literacy and numeracy. In the past, attempts have been made to apply labels to the reasons behind why students may experience learning difficulties, with some attribute of the student usually targeted as being the cause of learning issues. However, upon examination, it can be seen that many factors external to the student may result in poor student outcomes. The following points discuss some of the problems that may have a direct impact upon a student's ability to perform. Methods of teaching – Upon arrival, students whose backgrounds have not allowed them to develop the skills that will prepare them for a path of education may find themselves confronted with a method of teaching and a school system they may find hard to adapt to. Much of the teaching delivered to early learners has them relying on their own creative abilities, rather than direct and explicit instruction, which has been proven to provide those who may experience difficulties with a more grounded learning base. As they struggle to deal with basic learning the student may experience frustration and failure resulting in the development of negative feelings towards the learning experience. Course of study – Students may find themselves out of their depth when presented with a structured, performance based curriculum for which they do not possess an adequate level of prior knowledge. For many students, finding themselves confronted by course content that is beyond their reach can result in the development of low self-esteem and poor levels of motivation. Classroom environment – The environment that students find themselves required to work within has the potential to interfere with their capacity to learn. Issues such as noise levels, climate, lighting, seating, class size and the quality of facilities will impact upon a student's ability to learn, and while they may not always be easily controlled by the teacher, wherever possible attempts should be directed towards limiting their impact upon students' ability to fully focus on lesson content. Socio-economic – Direct links may be made between low socio-economic status and a student's lower academic achievement. Poor attendance rates, behavioural problems and lower retention rates are also issues and it is important that teachers have an understanding of the debilitating impact a child's background environment may have upon their ability to learn. teachers should not lower their expectations of students facing these issues, rather, they should offer whatever direct or indirect support they can that will assist the student in achieving their academic potential. Student teacher relationship – Students want teachers to both believe in and care about them. If a student finds themselves in a situation for which they need either guidance or assistance, no impediment should exist within their minds that would hinder them from seeking it out. Given this, teachers must be prepared to critically examine the quality of relationships they develop with students and the level of rapport they generate with the classroom as these factors may have a direct impact upon student outcomes. Student wellbeing – A student experiencing poor health is presented with many challenges as they strive to exist within the school environment. Pain or discomfort, poor energy levels, hearing or vision problems, lack of concentration and or attention, effects of medication, all of these issues will have a direct result on the student's ability to succeed. NESB – teachers may encounter students from non english speaking backgrounds. Dependent on their prior exposure to english a raft of challenges present the student. Reading, listening, cultural gap and poor social outcomes within the classroom will all compound upon their ability to deal with standard course content. Confidence – A lack of confidence can be as debilitating for a student as a lack of scholastic ability. A highly problematic issue, attempts to assist the student may actually compound the issue. To avoid attention, the student strives to remain anonymous and gradually falls behind which leads to the student being identified as having problems. The final result is a sense of stigmatisation on the part of the student and an escalation of existing learning difficulties. Summation - Considering all of the above, we can see that students face many challenges as they navigate their way through the environment delivered to them by educational institutions. Given this, teachers need to be on the lookout for any problems that may present and offer students appropriate assistance in the hope that they might alleviate their impact on a student's ability to succeed.