TEFL Semarang

Check out about TEFL Semarang and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

A.P. – U.S.A. said:
I actually learned a lot of useful information from doing this course. There was so much material that I wasn’t aware of, and I’m glad that I’ve had a chance to be introduced to my newly found linguistics information (i.e. conditionals, the many structures of the present, future, and past tenses, reported speech, etc.). Even if I decided that I didn’t want to teach overseas (or teach overseas at a later time in my life), I could definitely use the grammar information and various units’ games suggestions in my preschool and school aged children’s classrooms. From this course, I learned a few new teaching and communication techniques in working with my esl students. I’m actually glad and thankful that I’ve taken this tesol course. I will keep the units on file and use them along with my curriculum books in designing lesson plans and activities.