TEFL Rongcheng

Check out about TEFL Rongcheng and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

L.C. - Canada said:
When teaching abroad there will be some schools or institutes that offer classes for multi-lingual students or monolingual students. There is no difference in the quality of students but it is up to personal preferences which group a teacher might prefer to have. Each of these groups has unique similarities and differences but are each distinctive when in a classroom. Monolingual classes have the trouble that all students speak the same language and will definitely use this before and after their class. This likely means that once they have left the confines of the classroom, the use of the english language will leave them immediately. It is important to designate the english classroom as an english only room so that students try their hardest to stick to the language they are learning and not what is most comfortable to them. Obvious exceptions can be made, for example, if a student is having trouble grasping the context of a lesson or an exercise it is necessary for that student to have a brief explanation in their native tongue. This can be very beneficial and also could allow the students to build a rapport quicker amongst themselves than in a multi-lingual group who may not share the same culture along with the language. Multi-lingual groups are exciting to teach because they are learning about other cultures along with learning english. These students can share their experiences and cultures and are more likely to be different from everyone else. This could turn negative if students are interested in learning a language represented in the class over english, for example slang and curse words. This can be remedied again by having english be the only language spoken in the classroom and students in the class that do share a language should not sit together. Also, if students are interested in learning more casual language then there is no harm in switching focus now and then. Finally, a multi-lingual group could be more likely to form a social circle amongst themselves where they only speak english. This is ideal and will definitely improve their language skills. Teaching english can be a very valuable position. Maybe students need to learn english for school or work or even just social reasons but in any case it is or will be useful for your students in the future. Whether teaching a monolingual group or multi-lingual group will only change the way a teacher plans their lessons but will likely create a different learning environment for each. Keep in mind the similarities and differences mentioned above and plan lessons accordingly. The most important item to keep in mind is to keep english as the language in the classroom and if a teacher understands a foreign language spoken in the classroom to keep that out as well.