TEFL Purvis Mississippi

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What is an effective teaching? It's a broad question with no exact answer. A new teacher, who is just to start his teaching career, answering this question will attribute to his limited teaching practice during a study course, his views and believes and observed other teachers' practices (as one of the models how to teach). An experienced teacher will attribute more to his own experience, but with experience a teacher faces ‘a repertoire of teaching strategies …but there is also a danger that it can hinder a teacher's professional growth' (Jack C. Richards). According to Richards, one way of continuing professional growth is through observing and reflecting on one's own teaching. Another way is to ask professional teachers, preferably from other schools, to observe your teaching practice to get feedback about what you do. The third way is to keep an eye on constant changes and new technologies in english by observing teaching practice of professional teachers from leading educational institutions teaching english. These are the main areas where observation of teaching practice plays a significant role for teachers. Let's discuss in detail the value of it in each case. 1. Observing other teacher's practice. For new teachers it's the easiest way to learn what is good teaching and what teaching strategies are applied during a lesson. The biggest value for new teachers in observing others is to understand the difference between a successful and less successful lesson. It is nice to observe a successful lesson but it is more important to observe a few less successful lessons and find the answer why, what happened, what wasn't anticipated etc., what finally prevented a successful lesson plan from its realization. It develops observational and analytic skills and later new teachers can apply the same principles to examining their own practice. 2. Observing and reflecting on one's teaching. Creation of video cameras made this way of observing more affordable and informative. When we are standing in front of a class we may not notice some tiny but important issues which make our lessons less professional. When we watch a recording of our lesson we may notice that e.g. our voice is not loud or strong enough to keep students' attention or we make some distractive gestures while explaining or giving instructions. Professional teachers after observing their own teaching practice will think how they can improve their lessons. 3. Being observed by colleagues and other teachers. The biggest value of it is to get professional advice from your colleagues and outside teachers how you can improve your lesson. Different teachers have different teaching styles and different experience and while observing your teaching practice they may notice some aspects for improvement or changing you would never think about just due to your teaching style. 4. Observing new ideas in teaching english. On one hand, teaching english can be considered as a very popular and necessary product nowadays. Therefore producers, we mean english schools, look for new ways or technologies to make the process of learning english easier, more interesting and reaching better results for students. And with the time the best ideas come to the market. A professional teacher should observe teaching practice from leading schools to get new ideas for his lessons, e.g. using iPads in learning english. On the other hand, the language is changing over time, especially pronunciation and coming of new words. To follow this trend and notice the changes is crucial for teachers of english in non-english speaking countries to be able to teach the up-to-date language. To enjoy teaching in full any teacher should understand that just teaching experience alone is insufficient for professional growth, but that experience coupled with observed teaching practice can be a powerful impetus for teacher development. References 1. J. Harmer, The Practice of english Language Teaching (4th edition), Longman, Chapter 24. 2. J. Scrivener, Learning Teaching: A guidebook for english language teachers, Macmillan books for teachers, Chapter 17. 3. Jack C. Richards, Towards Reflective Teaching, Department of english, City Polytechnic of hong kong. The article is saved from: