TEFL Kayes

Check out about TEFL Kayes and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

A.L. – U.S.A. said:
The amount of knowledge and ideas I have gained from this course is amazing. I was very weary of teaching because I feel that the only experience I have comes from working with children in schools here in America. While I enjoyed doing that and found it easy to work with them, I felt that a lot of my success came from being able to communicate well with my students. I was afraid that I would not do as well teaching in a foreign country or foreign speakers because that ability to communicate effectively was gone. However, I feel much more confident now that I have taken this course, and I have received some very useful tools that give me the ability to become a successful teacher. It is no longer as intimidating as it once was, and I cannot wait to begin! Also, a lot of the grammar learned from this course was things I inherently knew, but didn’t know exactly how to describe. Some of it was things I didn’t really think about, and I didn’t even know there was a category for it. Now I feel I have a better understand of how difficult the english language can be for foreign learners. With better understanding, comes a better ability to know what the students are thinking, and what they need to succeed. As for what I plan to do with this course, I am happy to announce that I have found a job at an Elementary school in South Korea! I am going to be teaching there in a public school for a full year, and this course will help me succeed in working with my future students. I plan to teach in South Korea for at least a year, and if I truly enjoy it (which I’m sure I will) I plan to travel to japan as well as teach there. I do not speak Korean, but I’m sure I will learn. I have learned japanese, so I can understand a bit how difficult learning foreign languages can be.