TEFL Jinjiang

Check out about TEFL Jinjiang and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

K.B. – Germany said:
I believe that the two most valuable aspects of this online course for me, was to learn about how to write out lesson plans and the course units that reviewed grammar. As a substitute teacher, I had already known how to run a class, however I was very concerned about writing out lesson plans and how to “teach”. This class was invaluable to me as it taught me how to write lesson plans and how to use them effectively. This course also had a lot of units with grammar exercises, which was a fantastic review (especially since my last grammar class was back in high school). I plan on using what I have learned about seating arrangements, the use of the board and the grammar taught in this course to improve on the quality of my lessons in the future.