TEFL Haora

Check out about TEFL Haora and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

T.P. - Canada said:
Teaching english in another country can be really fun and rewarding when you just know the students learned something from your class. Although it can be rewarding, there will be a lot of challenges ahead making it quite difficult to teach some students. The first difficulty, and probably a common one, is the english grammar. english grammar can be quite difficult to understand. Before taking the tefl online course, grammar was something that most individuals do not really think about. When it comes to teaching students who are not native english speakers, there can be a lot of difficulties mainly because their language has a whole set of different style in grammar. This can cause great confusion and have the students have a harder time to comprehend the english style of grammar. For instance, the correct way to see the difference between tenses would be different in english than it is to another language. Different words will be placed into the sentence first and different words will be place in the sentence last. Another struggle that students will have is learning the correct punctuation. Some languages have different punctuation sounds and characteristics that can make it difficult for one to pronounce a word in english. There are some Asian languages that might have a hard time differentiating the ‘r’ sound from the ‘l’ or maybe the ‘f’ sound to the ‘v’ sound. When native english speakers talk, most of them do not think about how they are pronouncing the word. The sounds and word they produce just comes naturally after speaking the language for so long. However, there are methods for teachers to help with this issue and a good way is to pronounce words more slowly. Speaking slowly will help the students hear better and maybe catch the sound they are messing up on. The teacher could then explain to the students the details of how the word should be pronounced. Mouth diagrams could also be used to assist with this. This leads to adult learners and their already made habits in speaking their language. Just like how native english speakers do not really think when speaking, people speaking their native language do not think when they are pronouncing the words as well and have a habit in speaking their way. Adult learners have grown up speaking their language and trying to apply a brand new language to them can be difficult. From my experience, when trying to teach my parents or adults english, they tend to butcher the word without knowing. It sounds right in their ears but a tefl teacher or native english speaker can hear the difference. Now if the tefl teacher can guide the student into thinking the english way, it can make things easier. For instance, when we translate words, we tend to think of how to say the word in our native language then translate it out to the other language which can cause some grammar and tense problems. It would be good to start teaching young learners to think the english way and be willing to try to find answers their own way, in english. Instead of running to the teacher for help all the time, the student can try to think for themselves and learn a solution on their own. All in all, the students can feel overwhelmed when learning english or just a new language in general. There are a lot of new concepts to learn. The teacher should remember to try and encourage the students to learn english in a fun way. Students can easily become bored or lose motivation if the teacher is not into teaching or doing it wrong. Build rapport with each other from student to student and teacher to student should be done. Building rapport will build some sort of support for one another. In the end, knowing that you helped a student learn a new language is very rewarding and can make your day.