TEFL Etna Pennsylvania

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There are many things to consider when talking about classroom management. For instance, classroom management can refer to teacher's supervision over the students, teacher being a mediator or sometimes a referee, and even be a parent who occasionally has to give disciplinary action towards the student. If the teacher is dealing with a class with adults, management might be easier because although adults lack enthusiasm, they are motivated because they made the decision to be there. On the other hand, a room with thirty 7 year old kids, successful classroom management is quite challenging, but much more rewarding. Not all student behaviors require serious attention while some are weighty enough to confront the student or even the parents. It's rare, but in some cases necessary disciplinary action needs to be issued. In my short but rewarding 3 year teaching career, I have seen only 2 occasions where serious intervention was acted out toward a problematic classroom behavior. In my opinion, majority of classroom behaviors are not dramatic enough to require a third party intervention. Many teachers are so skilled that they spend years without encountering any problematic classroom instances. Are they lucky to have had such experiences? I think teachers with little or no problems with bad student behaviors are very well trained in classroom management, because they know how to prevent such problems in the first place. Even if such occasions derive, skilled teachers already have effective and practical methods to counter those situations. It's always good to keep track of current policies or set of rules for student and teacher interactions. Every school is different and every student is different. So knowing the characteristics of both before handling any behavioral problems is essential. I still remember my first day of teaching english in Korea. I was placed at a low level high school and I was in charge of first year students, or freshmen. I was hit by waves of bad behaviors and classroom management was something I lacked very much. I was hoping for some advice from other faculty members but didn't get any that was helpful. Then I decided to incorporate a reward system into my classes. Many teachers have an award system that works for them. It may be the sticker method, candy method, or may even be something entirely different. I chose the ribbon method. This is a method I created and it worked nicely with my students. And it was good to look at too. For any good behavior in class, I handed out colored ribbons which the student has to write down their name and class number and gives it back to me. Then I connect the ribbons that were collected from that day into a strip of loops and hang it in the ceiling. They also compete with other classes which is a HUGE motivation booster. Students can always look up and see their names and feel good that they were rewarded and appreciated by the teacher. The ribbon method is hard work, but it served to be a great way to mange my classrooms in some degree. Personally, classroom management is the most difficult aspect of teaching in my opinion. That is why I will continually experiment with different classroom management methodologies in hopes to become a better teacher.