TEFL Ellwood City Pennsylvania

Check out about TEFL Ellwood City Pennsylvania and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

First of all, as a native english speaker, I have learned that I needed a big review for most of the english parts, such as tenses. I do not recall ever learning the word ‘participle' and have asked some former classmates, and they agreed with me. I feel there is a lot more that needs to be learned but this course has given me a taste of what teaching esl will be like. The units on teaching were everything I learned back in the day while working on my bachelor's degree, and the lesson planning was very tedious in this course. I've never had to put such detail into lesson plans as I did for this course, even after teaching for three years in British schools in china! Although I must say it is a very good course for anyone who has never taught before as it covers a variety of topics. While teaching in an American school in the Middle East, I teach 470 students each week in Grades 1-5. I'm guessing 75% of those students are esl and the teachers have had a difficult time with most of them learning english. Even though I teach computers, I can still use some of the lessons especially the ones where my students have to type stories. It is nice that some students do correct others who have spoken incorrectly. This course has also opened my eyes to the possibility of teaching esl. My contract expires at the end of this school year so it may be an idea to look into not only teaching computers, but also esl.