TEFL Easton Kansas

Check out about TEFL Easton Kansas and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

The course provided invaluable breath to my training as a foreign language teacher. Foundationally, the course gave me insight into my strengths and weaknesses as a native english speaker. I now understand the areas that I will have to improve upon in order to become an effective teacher of the language. Learning a language is not easy; learning a language without everyday interaction with native speakers is quite difficult. However, even native speakers are often oblivious to the intricacies of their own language. Talk of matching helping verbs and main verbs is not fodder for good water cooler conversation. This is where teaching instruction comes into play. The course certainly did not cover every aspect of the english language, it didn't come close, but it did provide the basics that every esl instructor should have. Practically, the course has taught me the basics of the tesol field. Some of the information presented served to confirm my suspicions about different aspects of teaching and were quite straightforward. Other bits and pieces were less conspicuous and served to stimulate my interest in wanting to learn more. Obviously, teaching conditions and situations are different. france is drastically different from its former colony of vietnam (where a few of the classroom tools mentioned in unit 17 might not be available). Potential teachers will have to adapt and learn by themselves. Hence, much of the onus is on teachers themselves. How each teacher learns, prepares, and executes will determine how well he does on the job. I plan to use what I have learned as a foundation for both teaching and more learning. The course taught me just how much more I need to learn. In addition, the course taught me how to maneuver in a teaching environment. These two go hand in hand. Knowledge increases teaching ability and teaching experience increases general knowledge. Hopefully, the cycle will start soon and continue for a long time to come.