TEFL Douala

Check out about TEFL Douala and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

F.M. - Canada said:
I thought that the format of the grammar units was very useful and exactly what I would like to incorporate into my classroom. I have never been comfortable teaching the conditionals and the phrasal verbs. Your unit and explanation helped build my confidence. Also, I would like to incorporate the pronunciation exercises and teaching the students the phonetic syllables of words and also using the dictionary correctly. I thought your units provided great ideas to incorporate within my classroom. I thought the verb tenses were very well laid out. I learned some great class management skills and some great teaching ideas. I have taken esl Parts 1 and 2 through AQ courses and I have learned more practical and hands-on ideas through your course. I am very excited about taking my career to the next level through this certification and through the business english certification course that I will be taking. It opens up so many channels for me and I am looking forward to the upcoming opportunities and challenges. I am very interested in pursuing teaching business english and I would have never known it existed unless I wasn’t introduced to it in your course. I will definitely recommend this course to others.