TEFL Datong

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

J.H. – U.S.A. said:
As a substitute teacher, I knew the lesson plan was an important tool for sub-teachers taking over for the main teacher, but I never considered how it could be important for the teacher himself to collect my thoughts and see if my plan is feasible, but after taking this course, I definitely plan on using lesson plans from here on out. In one of my teaching classes at my university, we went over how to create lessons, but not as in-depth and it didn't give the opportunity to practice doing so like this course did, so I'm thankful for that. Other things the course covered, like how to treat the students and conduct classes are things I had thought about before, but it was good to have the validation that I was thinking about those things the right way. Lastly, it was nice to have a refresher on basic english grammar.