TEFL Binzhou

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D. M. - Korea said:
There is little doubt that the english language has become the preferred global language on this planet. It is the world’s business language, the dominant dialect of the internet and it has become a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. Today, the english language can be heard in all corners of the earth. In some ways english is not at all different from Coca Cola, Nike or Apple. In fact, it is part of the very same expansion of globalized culture. It is the language of the products of these companies and countless others. That is not to say that the english language owes its success solely to corporate growth but it hasn’t hindered it either. “The growth of english has been promoted by the possibility of fast, cheap and reliable international communication.” (qtd. in Broda) As a mother tongue english does not dominate other languages, it’s as a second language where the world shows its preference for english. Consider the following; “the united states has only about 20 percent of the world's english speakers. In Asia alone, an estimated 350 million people speak english” (Mydans ). This is an astounding figure. If we combine the native speakers of the United Kingdom, canada and the u.s.A., we come up with about 330 million. There are more people who speak english as a second language (of varying levels) in Asia than there are Native speakers in north america and the U.K. english may not have the most native speakers in the world, but it is definitely the most wide spread and useful language in the world today. “english is used as an official language in more countries –forty-four-…and none is spoken over a wider area of the globe.” (Bryson 181) When people communicate from one language to another, often the preferred medium is english. There may be more native speakers of chinese, spanish or Hindi, but it is english they speak when they talk across cultures, and english they teach their children to help them become citizens of an increasingly intertwined world. (Mydans) The use of the internet has become almost ubiquitous in our everyday lives and the vast majority people using the net are communicating, reading, speaking in, listening to, and typing in english. Wilts the english language is expanding across the globe, nowhere is its presence more apparent than online. “It has consolidated its dominance as the language of the Internet, where 80 percent of the world's electronically stored information is in english.” (qtd in Mydans) english is not only spreading around the globe as the second language of choice internationally, it penetrates the lexicon and the very fabric of many cultures and their native languages. In my own experience in South Korea, I have been astonished by the amount of english words that have been assimilated into everyday speaking in Korea. This phenomenon is known as “Konglish”. The interesting thing about this phenomenon is not simply the adaptation of english words by another language and culture (this occu.s.between all languages), but it is the invention of new phrases or uses for an english word that are particular to Korea. Some common examples are: Han-deu-pone (Hand phone) in place of cell phone, To-seu-teu (Toast) for grilled egg sandwich, seur-bi-sh-eu (service) for free of charge, i-seu-ba (icebar) for popsicle, shot-paen-cha (short pants) for shorts, and so on (The Ultimate Konglish List). South Korea is just one country of many where this is occurring. ‘Spanglish’, ‘Franglais’, ‘Chinglish’ and ‘Konglish’ are all products of globalization and the pervasiveness of the english language worldwide. New versions or ‘englishes’ are emerging around the world. People are adopting english as the international language of choice and are beginning to use it in new ways and in essence creating new english dialects. These new lingu.s.ic hybrids are changing the way english is spoken. english “no longer belongs to the native speaker, but it belongs to the world” (Mydans). It is thought that a new World Language could evolve out of this phenomenon. Not english as we know it today, but as it is being reinvented by non-native speakers all over the world. In summary, english is now spoken in more countries across the globe than any other and has established itself as the leading language in world commerce, popular culture and technology. Despite not having the most native speakers on the planet, no other language is used as much as english as a second or third language. Bibliography Broda, Kyle – What is meant by ‘english as a Global Language’ and what factors have shaped the emergence of english as a global language? Bryson, Bill – The Mother Tongue: english and How It Got That Way, New York, NY, usa Harper Collins Publishers Inc. ,1990 Mydans, Seth – Across cultures, english is the word (2007), The New York Times, 2007 englede.1.5198685.html?pagewanted=all The Ultimate Konglish List ( )