TEFL alba Michigan

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

Over twenty years ago, teachers only know of one type of intelligence and spent time developing that intelligence in their classroom. However, there are other intelligences that also should be nurtured and evaluated. According to Howard Gardner, there are eight intelligences total: verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential intelligence (Silver, Strong, & Perini, 1997). Schools tend to focus on verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical intelligence when a person can demonstrate all eight (Armstrong, 1994). Therefore, schools and teachers need to design lessons that foster as many types of intelligence as possible in the curriculum. There is no one ideal way to teach everything, but there are many ways to teach one thing. In an esl classroom, teachers tend to emphasize verbal/linguistic intelligence. They evaluate students on knowledge of the english language through production of the language such as reading and writing skills. Each student, however, is unique and absorbs information differently. Thus, some students may only have average understanding or fall behind in class due to information being communicated only in one way. For the longest time, teachers have been spending most of class time “talking at students” (Standford, 2003, p. 82). teachers would instruct, explain and have students follow worksheets as response to the lesson or readings that often bore students. This type of one-sidedness teaching style prevents development of other types of intelligence. Thus, some students will excel while others will not. If teachers emphasize multiple intelligences (MI) in their classroom, then all students will get a chance to excel. When teachers incorporate MI in their curriculum, they bring variety and flavor to the classroom. Because every learner has the capacity to exhibit all eight intelligence, teachers need to reach beyond textbooks and give students a chance to demonstrate what they have learned through various activities. tefl teachers who understand MI theory can use it to their advantage. They can create stimulating activities, such as role playing, to keep students engaged and remain motivated in the lesson. Instead of spending class time explaining grammar structures, doing worksheets, or practicing drills, teachers can play games as a class or assign group activities to increase students' talk time, which demonstrates their knowledge of the language. By providing lessons that cater to different intelligence, teachers will recognize what type of learners their students are—what works for the students and what doesn't. english learners need variety in lessons, especially visuals and authentic materials, to quicken their comprehension skill. A picture can say a thousand words. No teacher should underestimate the power of multiple intelligences. MI provides dynamics and increase students participation in the classroom. Furthermore, teachers become aware of various ways to assess students. A paper and pencil isn't always the best way to evaluate a student's knowledge. As educators, especially for tefl, we need to provide different types of assessments that allow students to demonstrate their fullest potential. Aside from written exams, we should also consider oral exams and long term individual or group projects. Because there are individual differences among learners and cultural differences in english learners, a broad range of methods, materials, strategies and assessments is the best way for tefl teachers to understand their students despite the language barrier. References Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. alexandria: ASCD. Silver, H., Strong, R., & Perini, M. (1997). Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences. Educational Leadership , 22-27. Standford, P. (2003). Multiple Intelligence for Every Classroom. Intervention in School and Clinic , 80-85.