TEFL Sao Luís

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T.H. - Netherlands said:
Tomas Havlicek - British english vs. American english Even though there was once only "one english" during the centuries the American and British english became quite different in many aspects. Americans and Britons can certainly understand each other without any problems and the differences can only sometimes cause minor confusion or amusement. For the students studying english as a foreign language this can however sometimes cause a lot of problems. In some countries is preferred the British english and in some others the American english, but the preference is quite individual and can differ from school to school or from teacher to teacher. For students this may cause problems understanding spoken or written english. I suppose that the best, but not simplest, solution would be to teach both "versions" because none of them is correct or wrong. For students this would however mean an extra work and since learning foreign language is difficult enough not many teachers or schools want to deal with this issue. I would like to sate some of the important differences according to the several sources I found: 1) Different spelling American english X British english color X colour fulfill X fulfil center X centre analyze X analyse aging X ageing dialog X dialogue anesthesia X anaesthesia 2) Prepositions: American english - on the weekend X British english - at the weekend American english - on a team X British english - in a team Source: 3) Grammar difference: Use of the Present Perfect In British english the present perfect is used to express an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect on the present moment. For example: I've lost my key. Can you help me look for it? In American english the following is also possible: I lost my key. Can you help me look for it? 4) Possession There are two forms to express possession in english. Have or Have got Do you have a car? Have you got a car? He hasn't got any friends. He doesn't have any friends. While both forms are correct (and accepted in both British and American english), have got (have you got, he hasn't got, etc.) is generally the preferred form in British english while most speakers of American english employ the have (do you have, he doesn't have etc.) 5) Past Simple/Past Participles The following verbs have two acceptable forms of the past simple/past participle in both American and British english, however, the irregular form is generally more common in British english (the first form of the two) and the regular form is more common to American english. Burn - burnt OR burned Dream - dreamt OR dreamed Lean - leant OR leaned Learn - learnt OR learned Smell - smelt OR smelled Spell - spelt OR spelled Spill - spilt OR spilled Spoil - spoilt OR spoiled Source: 5) Vocabulary British english X American english anti-clockwise X counter-clockwise articulated lorry X trailer truck autumn X autumn, fall bill (restaurant) X bill, check block of flats X apartment building boot X trunk bumper (car) X bumper, fender car park X parking lot chemist's shop X drugstore, pharmacy chest of drawers X dresser, chest of drawers chips fries X french fries the cinema X the movies crisps X potato chips cupboard X cupboard (in kitchen); closet (for clothes etc) driving licence X driver's license dummy (for baby) X pacifier dustman X garbage collector estate agent X real estate agent flat tyre X flat tire high street X main street holiday X vacation lift X elevator main road X highway maize X corn maths X math motorbike X motorcycle nappy X diaper pavement X sidewalk petrol X gas, gasoline post X mail postbox X mailbox postcode X zip code public toilet X rest room railway X railroad return (ticket) X round-trip rubber X eraser solicitor X lawyer, attorney timetable X schedule tin X can tube (train) X subway underground (train)X subway vest X undershirt waistcoat X vest wellington boots X rubber boots, rain boots Source: