Teach English in Yucheng Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yucheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Speaking is a very important component of communication. Speaking in the foreign language being learned is very challenging. It involves putting into actual practice all the theoretical things learned about the language, tense, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation into constructing sentences that would make sense in a conversation. The flow of the sentence must go naturally according to the flow of the conversation. The only way to master speaking is regular talking in the foreign language being learned. Regular practice is KEY. The challenge for the teacher is to choose best speaking activities suitable for mix classroom abilities that would make them speak and participate actively. In choosing speaking activities the following points are suggested. 1. Speaking activity should start from the alphabet. Speaking correctly starts from correctly pronouncing the different alphabets; this is specially true if the foreign language is hugely different from the mother tongue of the students. The proper articulation of alphabet starts with learning the proper position of the tongue and the lips. The teacher must try to find the correct technique to help students pronounced correctly. In most cases t pronunciation difficulty of students is link to how words are pronounced in their mother tongue; for example students from the Philippines have a difficulty pronouncing F because F is not in their mother tounge so they tend to pronounce F as P which is common in their language. 2. From the alphabet speaking can progress to words to phrases to sentences. Chorus drilling is important until the students gain confidence in pronouncing the foreign words then speaking can gradually be practiced in groups then individually in class as time permits. Words are the building blocks of sentences; As students learn vocabularies they must learn the correct pronunciation. Depending on their level, students can be taught how to find the correct pronunciation in the dictionary. The easiest way is to learn proper pronunciation is listening to English materials, it maybe songs or movies; then try to catch how words are pronounced, writing them down and reading them over and over again. 3. Skits, games and debates can follow as students increase their knowledge and their vocabulary. Skits and games are fun. It is a relaxing non threatening way to learn how to speak spontaneously. Debates are for students with a certain language level of mastery who are able to speak, articulate and argue their ideas vis a vis an opposing idea. 4. Topics for speaking activities should match the language level, interest and age of students. Mixing same level students can be logical in some activities while mixing different level students in other activities maybe more effective. Interesting topics can be a great motivator for students to speak up and contribute their ideas. Topics however must not be too easy or too difficult as to discourage students from participating. Too easy topics will bore students who are very advanced. The teacher have to make an effort to find appropriate topics. The teacher can prepare topics for student to choose from or students can suggest their own topics of conversation the most important point is to solicit their participation to talk; join the speaking activity. 5.Visual aids are are a good stimulant to make students talk and participate. Visual aids must carefully be chosen to match the topic and the purpose of the lesson. Visual aids can be in print or projected materials; The important issue is to choose materials which are interesting to students; so they can participate. In all speaking activities the teacher must take an active role in observing the blockage of each student so as to be able to coach them individually if time permits or to be able to give a helpful practical feedback that can improve the speaking quality and confidence of the students. Students are more likely to participate and talk; speak up, if utmost care is given to make them feel they can do it by making sure that appropriate material and teaching approach is balanced to make lessons interesting and fun at the same time effective without being boring. Bored students are mindfully absent.