Teach English in Xingjia Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xingjia Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein writes: ”the limits of my language mean the limits of my world”. This saying sheds light on an important fact: humans as species have restricted feats and force, however, they have ultimately created huge civilizations. The manner in which humankind created monumental skyscrapers, aircraft, submarines, pyramids, or even cities was through cooperation. Millions of people came together and formed states and other socially structured organizations. Communication skills is a crucial need to found such a cooperation. Language is the instrument that makes this communication possible. Clearly, what differentiates humans from other creatures is the ability to believe in fiction and go beyond reality to create new geosocial rules and universal norms. Hence, alphabets, grammar and literature were introduced to pave the way for speeches and books to be written, in order to educate the crowds in a uniform manner. All of these improvements implicitly led people to reach a mutual consensus which is abiding by grammatical rules. In this essay, I will be discussing the importance of grammar in terms of multiple aspects: accuracy, confidence, and professionalism. Learning the language starts when we are toddlers through an almost automatic or subconscious process. When babies start speaking, they express themselves with simple words and as they grow up, they master the language and they start to speak accurately; however, explaining the reasons behind speaking the way they do is not an easy task as it could take a scientific form. On the other hand, this is not the case for foreign language learners. Grammar in this case is vital to reach the mastery level. Therefore, grammar plays a significant role in shaping and unifying the use of a language and how it is apply it while speaking. Punctuation for example, is a very powerful tool used while writing. For instance, changing the position of a comma in a sentence can convey a whole different meaning. Therefore, accuracy is highlighted by grammar to ensure the preservation of thoughts and ideas under a written format. According to Chomsky, grammar is a set of rules when mastered, it can produce an infinite set of sentences that allow a learner to speak and express him or herself more effectively. For example, individuals seeking to learn a new language will likely begin the process by buying a language book at the onset of their language journey; however, over time their reliance on a language book will decrease. Ultimately, learning some grammar instructions and basic vocabulary comes in handy and enables new speakers to express their needs. Thus, grammar is important to solidify communication skills and increase accuracy. It clarifies the itinerary for learners to master a language. It is undeniable that the knowledge of grammar can boost the learners’ self-esteems, which allows them to be more comfortable, willing to learn a new language, and improve their communication skills by being more vocal. This subsequently influences their ability to be fluent. Peter T. McIntyre once said “Confidence comes from not always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong”. We can assume from this quote that learning grammar is the capstone that grants the learners confidence in order to master a language. In many cases, a person with a good command of grammar may exude more confidence, while one who displays weaknesses in grammatical structure may feel more insecure about speaking. The learners’ mistakes are to be reduced dramatically thanks to the confidence that one gains whilst learning grammar. This would allow learners to self-develop, correct their mistakes, and increase their performance. Hence, confidence facilitates interaction with native speakers. Nevertheless, grammar is very important in the workplace and it is believed to have an impact on success. One of the criteria, Human Resources’ officers base their shortlisting decisions on is the accuracy and lack of errors in resumes and cover letters. In a fast-paced business world, employers are seeking candidates who can translate their ideas into speech or text in a clear manner, which consequently ensures financial savings. Imagine the time wasted in an e-mail exchange between coworkers trying to understand the meaning of an unclear message. When it comes to marketeers, for example, a superior command of grammar is essential to describing a product and to convincing customers to make a favorable purchase decision. CEOs and senior executives claim that good grammar demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism, and therefore they are more likely to promote employees who demonstrate these traits. To conclude, the level of development humanity reached to date has has been a process of building upon the knowledge inherited from previous generations. To that effect, grammar played the role of a catalyst to carry on that knowledge base from one generation to the next. Each and every part of it is essential: starting from the conjugation, which maps actions according to a timeline and person, to the modals that give a sense of obligation, or intonation which further tunes and refines the meaning. All the above serve the purpose of streamling communication and eventually ensuring the preservation of mankind's ideas, inventions and aspirations.