Teach English in Xincheng Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xincheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Education is the key to opening doors for success and great opportunities. A good education not only leads to scholarships and acceptance into good schools or universities, but it can also increase the chances of obtaining a good job. However, the parents’ role in education is undeniably important. Parental involvement can contribute to school achievement, better performance and higher quality education. In order to ensure the child is not being distracted from reaching his or her academic potential and working enthusiastically to the best of his/her ability, parents must be involved. Parent - teacher communication is vital to a child’s success. For example, an involved parent would communicate frequently with their child’s teachers via telephone, emails, or newsletters, in order to find out about the child’s behaviour in class and academic progression. This way, the parents will know if the current study situation of the child needs improvement or if the child is doing an excellent job. The parents will know what their child is learning in school and be aware of any subjects that the child might need additional help in. In addition, parents would have the opportunity to communicate concerns and issues with the teachers. It is important for parents to monitor their child’s homework and school projects and make sure their child is prepared for any upcoming tests. Although there are some children who are responsible enough to complete their homework and study without being demanded to, most children still need to be monitored by an adult. This will ensure that the work is done neatly and accurately. In regards to tests, parents should make it a priority to help their child prepare for them to ensure they get high scores. When a child notices that their parent is interested in what he or she is doing at school, it can lead to an increase in the child’s chances of success. Once the child sees how invested and dedicated the parent is to his or her education and success, the child would be more motivated, more likely to work hard, achieve higher test scores and display proper behavior in class. At the same time, the interaction between the parent and child can also have an impact on the child’s learning and behavior. For example, if the parent commends the child when he or she gets good grades or any kind of good achievements, this can improve the child’s self-confidence and encourage him or her to continue striving for excellence. Furthermore, creating a pleasant, comfortable atmosphere at home can also have an impact on the child. This will make the child feel comfortable about expressing any issues or problems related to school. In contrast, this opportunity can be used to discipline the child, educate them on what is considered appropriate and inappropriate behavior and also to let them know what is expected of them as a student in school. Apart from learning in a school environment, it is fundamental for parents to designate time to educate their child in other ways. For example, parents can educate their child about bike riding, cooking, gardening, reading at home, etc. This will help deepen the child’s desire to learn from a young age. A lot of parents think that educators are responsible for teaching children everything, but actually learning starts off in the home. So a parent’s involvement in their child’s education plays a fundamental role as well.