Teach English in Luocun Zhen - Zibo Shi

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Normally there are four basic skills in any language:receptive skills, it includes reading and listening,productive skills,it includes speaking and writing.These are all equally important.For my summative talk I will mention receptive skills teaching. Firstly we have some reasons and motives for reading and listening:For a purpose and for a entertainment.For a purpose means if we want to achieve some goals like to know instructions on our new stuff,we have the purpose to read or listen.For entertainment means we just want to be enjoyed by reading or listening like watching TV and reading books.But quite often our reading and listening could be a mix of the two motives. Then readers and listeners employ a number of specialist skills when reading or listening,also their understanding of the context will depend on their expertise in these area:1,predictive skills,it means we can predict the meaning of the content from the headline or introduction.2,specific information,it means when we read newspaper of match results,we only concentrate when a particular story comes up.3,general idea,it means we don’t focus on every single word in a story but just try to get the general idea of the whole content.4,detailed information,it means sometimes we want to understand everything in detail like to ask for direction.5,deduction from context,it means sometimes we need to understand or deduce the meaning of individual words or phrases from the context. Next we have some common problems with listening and reading we can pay attention,so there are many ways of approaching language difficulties:1,pre-teaching vocabulary,it means if students never get past the stage of having to understand each and every word,they will never really feel comfortable with receptive skills.Learning to understand texts without knowing every word is a skill that we should also encourage in our students.2,careful selection of texts,it means authentic materials must be carefully selected so as to focus on what the students know,rather than how much they don’t know. And next for topic in this area,we should know student’s interest and choose the suitable topic.We should try to let the students motivated and engaged in the topic or task by some activities.So about the task,a good task shouldn’t be too easy or difficult,a challenge must be realistically achievable. In the end about the outline of a typical receptive skills lesson,we can follow patchwork:For engage part,start the class with a guess,like what would you know about this person,and what do you want to about this person,so we can use this type of questions to create interest amongst the students.For study part,we can prepare a practice exercise or two to check and reinforce understanding and pronunciation.then we can still put engage and study part in this lesson,like students read texts,answer questions.For activate part,we can remove the text and let students to write a brief review so students can compare in pairs and feedback to class.Also for this part we can prepare some game to let students practice. So there are different and equally effective ways of approaching the same lesson.There is no strict right or wrong. And lastly we have some basic keys to successful receptive skill lesson:1,Choose material that motivates the students.2,Build interest before reading or listening.3,Pre-teach complex vocabulary or structures if necessary,but don’t overdo it.4,Vary the type of material.5,Use the material to practice different skills.6,Use realistic comprehension tasks that aid understanding.7,incorporate activate phases that naturally lead on from the text.