Teach English in Gushan Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Gushan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The four skills known as listening, reading, writing and speaking represent the core of learning a new language in general and English specifically. It is important for teachers to make the students aware of their importance and seriously work on these 4 skills; whether in the classroom or at home. As teachers we know that there are many ways in order for students to practice the four skills. It can be by speaking to friends outside the school or by listening to music at home. The different Educational Departments have decided to establish, as the main purpose of the EFL teaching, the development of the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, the implementation of this approach has not been trouble-free as many teachers insist on asking their children to understand every single word they listen to or read, or expect their pupils to write or speak without making the mistakes normally found in the process of acquiring any language. Listening is the language skill which students find the most difficult. Nevertheless, there are some techniques that make this skill acquirement easier. First of all, the teacher should carefully choose the audio to be listened to by the students. Choosing the right listening part according to students’ level makes the students more relaxed and prepared to listen. Second of all, it is important for the teacher to introduce before any listening activity the vocabulary that students might have a problem understanding; this way students will feel more confident and motivated. Third of all, it is of a major importance to make students understand that, while listening, the do not have to understand every single word but rather they should focus on understanding what is most important in the conversation. Speaking is the second most important skill. Teachers must encourage their students to produce the language in the classroom. It can be through songs, poems, chants, pair conversations, games like Pictionary or taboo etc… It is also to note that correcting students whenever they speaking something wrong is not a good way to encourage them. On the contrary it will make them shy and reluctant to speak. Reading, it is important that students do not labour over every word, whether they are skimming the text for general meaning or scanning it to pick out specific information. Reading must be a time to enjoy and discover the accent. Students should be encouraged to read texts in the classroom and teachers should present easy texts according to their students’ levels and motivation. Choosing the right topic to read is very crucial to avoid boredom. Make the students feel comfortable; do not force them to read aloud if they do not want. Teachers should also move around the classroom during reading lessons to provide any kind of support to his students. Writing should be a piece of pleasure for students. Students should be given simple tasks to start writing about like emails, letters, postcards or small paragraphs about a specific topic. It is of a great use to let students write about what they like most; this way they will be motivated to learn and they will make efforts. A teacher should always be aware of what he wants from his students to produce or write about. A little guidance is always reassuring for students in order to do their best. To conclude, being a teacher is first of all a comprehension job. A teacher should always be aware of the needs of his students in order to give them the best learning process and be effective while teaching. The four skills are the most important parameters in teaching English. Therefore, the teacher must give his students all the tools and strategies they need to know to accomplish their learning and develop their skills.