Teach English in Guoli Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guoli Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Every person goes through a relative similar life cycle study for the first 8 to 12 years or more than start working to support his life expenses while developing a life career. we all went through that path of life and we all have things we like in life and in our surroundings that leads us to develop a certain path some of us find people very interesting some feel more secure working and interacting with computers or with sport. we all ask ourselves what line of work should we choose what kind of life style is the best for us? all those questions are very legitimate most of us get advises from parents relatives older sibling or we take our raw model childhood figure and try to follow his/her path. as a person that have been traveling for so many years through out our world continents(except Antarctica) I realized that there is a very special occupation abundant very simple totally under the radar of most people and that is being an English teacher but not a regular English teacher rather a world traveler English teacher that spends most of his adult years traveling to different continents teaching English. We all know that English is the most popular and powerful communication tool for mankind and will be so for the many years to come. People usually compromise and having a boring life style with very limited life experiences still complaining about life that it is so boring and thinking outside the box is the way to go... Well being a traveler English teacher as a life time career could be an outstanding way of life whether its for 10 years 25 years or even for life. My first overseas trip was before university with my teenage girlfriend it wasn`t her first trip abroad but for me it was the first and it was so powerful for me that freedom that cultural diversity were so unfamiliar for me and it just changed my life completely. After that trip to Greece and Italy as a backpacker i wasn`t the same person it was like i got that virus inside me that to this day still in me which want to explore and see other way of life be a person of the planet rather being belong to a certain community or country. My perception towards life culture religion is so different from most people that after university or high school start working in the same city or country that they were born. I have great respect for people and each person can choose his/hers way of life and as for myself I`m so happy that I had the courage to put my backpack after university and go out to see the world. I was teaching English among other types of work since the 80`s and with the years qualifications became very essential and be a qualified TEFL teacher or TESOL or any other recognized certificate these days is a must. Developing your English Teaching skill is very individual and in my view boils down to how much you like children or people in general. Better teaching methods and techniques will be developed naturally with time and will be in line with your motivation of teaching. loving children and people the need to help people to communicate will drive you as a teacher and will develop your teaching abilities. There is so much you get back beside your salary! friendships that are being developed over the years of work. Children that you taught 25 years ago and occasionally bump into is an experience that only a teacher can get and understand. Being an English teacher might sound kind of boring at first but once the travel issue is being add to it the cultural experiences the ability to travel and see so many places and develop multicultural relationship is so rewording that I can truly say that being an English teacher positioned overseas is one of the best jobs and way of life that I found. What type of teacher is the best? or what`s the best way to teach English? well there is none! every teacher will develop his/her own unique style with his/her own unique technique and there is no formula or pattern that can be applied more over different group age in the same school and different classes will force you as a teacher to perform and apply different technique this is why a good teacher never get bored and the process of developing your own style will be more like an arsenal of techniques that will be tested and applied some will work some won`t! Very important is to keep records of your lesson planning with the remarks and comments on the lesson lesson planning is very essential tools to develop your teaching ability and performance therefore to be a certified teacher and use the course tips and information is very vital. would like to thanks ITTT for the excellent and comprehensive course which was an eye opener in many fields and many issues that I wasn't completely aware of.