Teach English in Chishang Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chishang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learning grammar is essential in the understanding and usage of the English language and how it impacts learners. One cannot overstate the importance of grammar as the backbone of the English language. Understanding the relation between the two is equally important. The correctness of its usage should follow satisfactory standards. Grammar should primarily focus on usage rather than the analysis of speech. Therefore, grammatical structures should be addressed first, which are common in linguistic usage. The communicative approach is important and the needed attention is necessary. Learners should be enabled to apply grammar correctly when speaking as soon as possible. Grammatical elements should be discussed in the context of speech and matching vocabulary. Furthermore, the grammar lessons should be structured so that the learner’s progression is repeated in cycles, while the complex areas are divided into several manageable parts. Thus allowing the grammatical sections to be articulated more clearly, this facilitates the learning process for the learners. In general, the student-centered approach is preferable to a teacher-centered approach because it incorporates grammar into communication, text, or action, thus the focus is on the learner. The learners are thus required to derive and formulate grammatical rules from the given examples themselves. As an aid, grammatical examples should always be visualized or teaching materials should be used which illustrate grammatical examples, as this ensures better and long-term processing of the new information. The learners are thus required to derive and formulate grammatical rules from the given examples themselves. Exercises should be designed to be motivating. It is always important to pay attention to the interest of the learners. More importantly, the teacher should have a clear indication of the lesson plan and whether the grammar exercise is of relevance to the learners. Furthermore, the learning goals should be made transparent and, ideally, grammar exercises should be tuned to deal with topics of interest and relevance to the learners. Grammar exercises can also be implemented in a playful way, for example in the form of a competition, so that the fun factor is not neglected and, at the same time the learning process continues. The importance of grammar should never be undervalued or taken lightly. Grammar plays a major role in building and formulating sentences, which allows the speaker(s) to express and communicate in an effective manner that is understandable to the teacher as well as classmates. Proper grammar usage is the foundation for effective communication and this is why learning grammar is important. The negative effects of bad grammar usage should not be underestimated, because in some segment of society it’s seen as a sign of a lack of education. This, in turn, is not the desired outcome for the learner or teacher. Conversely, correct grammar usage signals a sign of higher education and intelligence; correct grammar usage can lead to social acceptance, depending on one’s surroundings. It also avoids misunderstandings at the level of communication and stigmatization. Thus, the importance of proper grammar and its impact on learners should remain a core component for learners in their quest to learn and communicate efficiently in English.