Teach English in Beiboshan Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Beiboshan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching is challenging and classroom is a ''zoo'' like place where you can find different kinds of personalities, background, and natures. Despite all of this, in order to be a successful so called “zookeeper” in the classroom we need to have an objective and a goal in everything that we do. I think there are three basic yet significant things needs to be considered in managing a class. First, is teachers should learn the nature or behaviors of the students in the class. Teachers should also know the signs or red flags of boredom and active atmosphere inside the class. For doing this, they would be able to prepare additional activities or modify the lesson plans to avoid gloomy class. Sometimes, teachers should also learn on when to compromise and break a rule. Breaking a rule means going beyond what is given or not following a certain protocol or classroom rules just to make the class lively. For example, you can play games as a warm-up. And maybe if the students are not yet engaged in the class, you can do another activity for the engage phase. Learning the nature of the students will help you to understand and make necessary pauses in your class pacing. Teachers should always remember when to handle them individually and as a group. There are progress needed to be focus on the students individually however they can only cultivate those qualities in a group activity setting. Don't overthink too much about an individual's weakness, you can handle it in a private or maybe not on your class hours because it will only compromise the overall performance of the class. Second, teachers should know which part they would do some “old-school” type of class/activity and “modern” type of class the teachers would be able to recognized what teaching style they are fitted. Teachers will know it based on their performance and results. Although, the “old-school” style is quite difficult and time consuming, but it will always be worth-it. Students will be able to comprehend a lesson in a way the older generation did. And they will also appreciate that learning doesn't come in a straight line instead it is curvy and rocky but with a good destination. Old style is a good foundation for the students. It's like you are also teaching them how to teach in the future. Students may not remember what you taught them but they will remember you way of teaching n and how you inspired them. And the third and last is that teachers should have personal interest to their students. The motive of teaching will speak a lot on how you teach them. If you just teach because you are paid, then that's not a great motivation. Students can really observe your goals to them. Don't take those signals for granted because at the end of the day you will be the one who will suffer because the class itself isn't a working-class. Based on those three considerations, you will acknowledged that discipline don't always come with set of rules instead it will come with a good heart, motive and intentions.