Teach English in Dongji Zhen - Zhoushan Shi

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This unit is all about the future tense(fiture simple,continuous, perfect, perfect continuous,be going+infinitive and the present simple) The future simple (forms) Affirmative (i shall or will,you will,he/she/it will,we shall,they will +the verb) Negative (i/he/she/it etc will +not + verb) Question (shall i not) Usages are for future facts and certainty, promise and assumptions. Shall is generally used to make assumptions,invitations and strong intentions. However,common mistakes do occure. The future continuous tense is used ro say something in progress at rhe end of a particular moment and also polite enquiries, refer to future dates which are fixed. Form: affirmative (we will be waiting for you,Yes or no questions) Negative (i won't be playing today) Teaching ideas here include arranging of diaries, illustrative situation The future perfect tense (forms) Affirmative (I'll have worked for 2years) Negative (he'll not have worked) Question (will you have worked? a yes or no) Usages are to explain if something would have been achieved in the future. Common mistakes can be seen in sentences like 'I'll be finish by tomorrow ' Teaching ideas,include eleciting questions in rhe future,choose important historic events and elaborate. The future continuous (form=will+have+been+verb+ing) Affirmative (ill patients have been working for 7years) Negative (he will not have been working) Usages explain how long something would have continue by a certain time. Teaching ideas involves using be+going +infinitive form.the form here also includes present +going to +base form of the verb.