Teach English in Qingshuihe Zhen - Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qingshuihe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When I was in Cebu teaching accounting to university students, I felt that students were earnest in learning accounting. Moreover, I had a chance to teach in the Senior High in a Chinese school. I have met the kids of the middle class family. They were spoiled and brat. Superiority complex is their disease. I was frustrated when I was teaching the brat kids because they did not show respect in as much as I respected them as a person. I was so sad because I did not get the respect that I thought I deserved. I am a controller on some businesses and yet there I was convincing the brat kids to listen to me. Why should I endure so much for them? I was stressed. Am I not enough? I quit on them. I remember the time when I was in a university, students were amazed in silence each time I discussed complex concepts. I could not believe the my sad soul to think that I was not able to teach my craft to those brats. I and my girlfriend decided to start our world exploration. We wanted to start with Thailand, followed by Vietnam, Cambodia and then Korea. Currently, we are now in Phuket. Luckily, I was accepted as a Math and Science teacher in language center in Kathu. I am glad. Eventually, some students are as spoiled as the ones I had in the Philippines. They really have no interest in learning. They are so hardheaded. Their callous minds can never allow your teachings to sink in. It was a nightmare. The darkness has once again returned to my consciousness. I always ask guidance from the cosmos to give me the energy to survive the culture of education here in Thailand. I believe in my purpose of being a teacher. This test is ever enduring. The universe must be sending me a lesson all the while. I have to listen. I need to activate my heart and mind to listen to the message that this has been teaching me. I believe in serendipity. Right now, I am still thinking how to do my classroom management for those kids. I have consulted already the management because those kids’ behavior are completely intolerable. There were a handful of the class who is willing to listen. With this experience, I have realized several things. I have learned that the reality of teaching as an educational tool and as business in education. In any school, the key to learning is clarity in communication between the communicator (teacher) and the communicant (learner). Barriers to learning include student attitude, age, teacher mood, teaching style, and the content of the lesson. When the students are not ready, the lesson is useless. When the lessons are useless, teachers are not happy. Each school must have student readiness counselor which will set the minds of the students for the school mindset. When there are too many clutters, needless to say, the students cannot learn. Homeroom teachers or advisers must have this task the greatest priority of the day. Advisers set the tone of the students’ day. Indeed, the world of learning is always a complex web of knowledge, wisdom, attitude and perception. It is an art and science of remembering, forgetting, learning, and unlearning. Culture takes a big factor when it comes to learning a new language. There is no one way rule to teach a language to a specific culture because the teaching environment plays a pivotal role in the learning arena. Understanding the learner is the beginning of the learning. The teacher must know himself well. This means the teacher must have the stomach to transfer knowledge to the students who come from various denominations. I have learned that learning new concepts mean readiness for both the learner and the student. Learning a new language means experiencing the language by itself. This is not an instant outcome. This takes years of application and practice. Our short term memory fails if the memory is not stored in our long term memory. The vessel to the recesses of our base memory is the experience that we have with the new language or the new concept. Memory is indeed crucial in learning. I have realized that planning is supreme. It guides the reign of the horsepower of the teacher. A plan is always best if it is cognizant of some imperfections that might happen while the lesson is being delivered. Lesson plans help the teacher to deliver the lesson and manage the learning of the students. Management and planning are two sides intertwined. Planning the learning will be always be beneficial if it is planned well in a document called lesson plan. I have to remember that the actual lesson success is dependent so much on the learners provided that the teacher is also equipped with proper props so that there is knowledge transference. Learners with no discipline are too difficult to handle. How can you inspire them when they are not intended to learn? How can you touch a soul? How can you inspire to the unwilling? This is very frustrating to the sincere teacher. A sincere teacher with a problematic student will always have doubts as to this purpose of being a teacher. I have discovered that the mind is the greatest tool we have.Our mind is the tool to architect our own life and engineer the existence that we have experienced. We can never nurse a mind to learn when the mind is not ready. The mind is ready when it chooses to. The mind becomes filled with bravado when the heart is at rest. The inertia of the learner’s heart becomes too massive when the soul is lost. The soul is lost when the purpose is missed. The learner’s purpose is always a very powerful tool to stay motivated. When the mind is darkened, the life is hijacked. Life is a test. Learnings in life are our greatest tool to endure the heaviness this life has brought upon us. With all its drudgery, believe that life is a beautiful dream. Love always triumphs!