Teach English in Jiajiboluoge Zhen - Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jiajiboluoge Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

We are living in the world of big, particular changes not only in our everyday lives but also in the educational sphere. Every day, there is new technological changes and openings, new ways of teachings and ideas. And for the teachers, it is very important to find the way and ideas how to connect all the methods, theories and practice into their work. That is why it is very important for every educator to be up-to-date, to know different methods and techniques of teaching, to be aware and self-conscious and be ready to open new professional horizons for his/herself. Such a “horizon” can be life-long learning and different courses for teachers` professional development. Nowadays, there are a lot of different online workshops and webinars and courses as well, the task of the educator is to choose the appropriate one. As for me, one of the great variants for those who want not only to recharge themselves as teachers but also to supplement methodology knowledge, to discover new, useful information – TEFL course is one of the best variants ever. I`ve completed the online 60 hours course, consisted of 10 units. The course is well prepared and logically structured, there is a task sheet after each unit, so you can check what you have understood and what themes and questions you have to work more. Units cover very important themes, such as Teachers and Learners; Theories, Methods and Techniques; Managing Classes; Teaching New Language; Lesson Planning; Video Lessons; Teaching Receptive Skills; Teaching Productive Skills; Course Books and Lesson Materials; Evaluation and Testing. The most interesting and useful Units were: - Theories, Methods and Techniques – this unit was about different teaching methodologies. There was the information about techniques and classroom activities with the description of how to organize it. The unit presents different and most common use methodologies (Engage, Study, Activate, “Straight Arrow” ESA lesson, “Boomerang” ESA lesson, “Patchwork” ESA lesson) and gives an example to each lesson and phase. The great bonus is the list of activities that you can use while working on this or that phase of the lesson. -Lesson Planning – while working on this unit you will understand a lot about lesson plan – how to do it, what information you should/ shouldn’t include and how to produce a lesson plan that is practical and easy to use in the classroom. There is a sheet with the lesson plan example – that is a great way to see how to organize your own. - Video Lessons – this Unit presents 2 videos about effective and ineffective teaching. And I think it is a very important stage because you can judge what things were useful and what was not. TEFL course is a really good idea for those teachers who would like not just to work abroad, but also be successful in their own country, school or any other educational establishment. It recharges teacher and fulls him/her with new ideas and thought. Alter completing this course, you will feel professional growth and understanding what to do and where to move next.