Teach English in Yuxiang Nongchang - Yuncheng Shi

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Teaching large classes can be intimidating if we have never stood in front of so many students before . In some of the countries like European countries ,ideally ESL classes size are fairy small so discipline is easier and we can afford more resources and time to address the students needs effectively ,while Middle- Eastern countries or some of the countries with some of the world`s highest achieving student bodies_like Korea and Japan_have the biggest class sizes. To manage a large class productively and to pay attention to all students effectively , we need to have a lot of energy. That means we need to know exactly what we and the students are doing next. Routines are one of the most important things to have in terms of maintaining order in the classroom. When students know exactly what is expected of them, what books they need to have ready, and how to do certain activities, the class flows by easily and efficiently. We always can come to the class five or ten minutes before class for pleasant, relaxed chat with students.Those who arrive early will get the chance to speak to us without having to compete with the rest, and we have the opportunity to get to know them better. If we bestow a smile upon a student after they've raised their hand or after we see them come into the classroom, we are acknowledging them in a specific way. We should try to remember their names early on and always address them by their first names. Instead of asking a question to the whole class in general,we can call on a particular student to answer it. We can start class with short dialogues, warmers or ice-breakers,in a large class, we won't have the chance to know everything there is to know about every student, but we can try to remember a few facts that stand out about each one. Good time management is very important we should always keep a close eye on our watches and have extra activities planned and ready to go in case we have extra time. In a large classroom, it’s easy for quieter students to fade into the background while the more outgoing ones answer the questions and participate. Whether we are keeping track of who we call on, playing games where everyone has to participate, or doing partner work,we need to make sure that every student is involved. Having a fun, competitive environment can help motivate students. By rewarding points for the quietest team, best behavior, or fastest to finish their work, we can keep their behavior in check, too. We should have a seating plan ready . If we know the students, we can think about which students are most likely to start chatting or fighting during class,also which students are struggling, and then we can try to seat them next to students who have a strong grasp of the material. We can Make some notes during the first week of classes about what problems have come up, and we can rearrange the seats if necessary. We have to make sure we keep all students involved in the lecture and in the content.We can help students become aware of what they are contributing to the class and what their particular strengths are. After a written assignment, we should mention those we especially liked and read them out loud to the class. We should try to rotate among students and mention something each has done particularly well. Whenever a student is absent, we can tell them what they missed and the homework they should do to catch up. If they missed something that is hard for them to understand, we can offer additional resources, or if possible, we can offer to explain a few minutes before or after class. Some students may get to speak directly to us for a few minutes each class. So when they do,we should give them our full, undivided attention. If possible we can approach their desk and stand near them. It is also very important to be strict about discipline and rules This doesn’t mean we have to be a mean teacher. It does mean that we can’t let students get away with little things like talking to their neighbor or starting fights. We should make it clear from the first day of class what we won’t tolerate. Although teaching a larger class has many challenges, it also has its own set of rewards and benefits. Large classes tend to have a lot of energy and, if well-managed, can be very rewarding and fun for the students and the teacher.When we put the right strategies and techniques in place, they may even feel they're the only student there!