Teach English in Yudu Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu [Yudu Economic and Technological Development Zone] - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yudu Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu [Yudu Economic and Technological Development Zone]? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management is simply the organizing of the classroom, providing individual students with equal attention and lastly what generally takes place in the class. The importance of the following is vitally important for the teacher to address this effectively. Let’s start with the teachers role and the tools he/she has at their disposal. Their eyes, voice and gesture. They are all important and play different roles from encouragement, discipline, elicit answers and giving praise. Grouping of the students, one has three different commonly used systems , placing the chairs in rows, a semi-circle and lastly individual seats. They all have positive and negative aspects. The teacher must take note of why it is been set up, activities the teacher will use, student talk time and the purpose of the environment. With this in mind careful attention must be used on the following when planning the arrangement of the class, age of the students, the actual size of the classroom, the furniture such as chairs and etc. Finally, the students personalities must be catered for. The teacher should ask 4 basic questions to address this; How is this going to affect the students?, Which arrangement is the best for a balanced lesson?, What will maximize student participation and create more student talk time?, Can I create a fun lesson with activities based on the class layout? Other aspects to consider would be , is the set up a safe learning environment. The teacher must keep in mind that the dominant role should be avoided rather focus on creating an area where students interact with each other and pair work can be done. Obviously, for the reason of shy students . Using of student names is also exceptional important for the following reasons. The teacher could use a student to help in organizing the class and also helping with discipline problems. You as the teacher could acknowledge great behavior and reprimand students in a loving manner.Some issues can arise in the classroom, let us look at those. Writing on the board, make sure it is clearly written and your writing is visible to all students. Please take note not to speak while writing. The teacher could prepare work before class to minimize dead time. Giving individual students attention, do not be predictable in your actions, be fair on all students all the time. The teacher could allocate one on one time during the class for each student. But it is so important that a proper , thought out lesson plan be created to assist in this matter. The use of teacher talk time, as much as a teacher would want to model the language or be the focus point, it is imperative the teacher must remember the purpose of the class. The students must be given ample time to talk to each other to practice the language. Student talk time is important. The teacher must always use simple language . Giving instructions. As mentioned already, simple language must be used. Repeat the command if needed. Make sure all the students understand, even if you need to ask questions to verify they understand. Rapport building, is so important. To have a wonderful environment for the students. Creating that for the students involves this. Use warmers, pair work, small group work, encourage they share with the class about themselves. Play communicative games, plan exciting activities that involve them talking with each other. Discipline is vital for the teacher to maintain control, some tips to help. Be punctual, be consistent, no personal feelings, make the class fun and interactive, show respect. If the teacher has problems do the following, act immediately, focus on the issue not the student, stay calm and in the worst case speak to the student after class.