Teach English in Weizhuang Zhen - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Weizhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Games are a huge part of most, if not all, cultures and it’s through games that we can learn about ourselves and others. Games can give us insight into different cultures and how everything fits together. With this knowledge we can look at how games can be used in the classroom to learn new languages. This is what we are going to discuss in order to figure out if games can be applied this way. As discussed before, games have always been used to learn about others, ourselves and cultures all around the world. This has been the case throughout all recorded history. If games can be used to learn about other cultures, then we can safely assume that games can be used to learn the languages associated with those cultures. There are a variety of games that can be used in the process of learning a language. Most games are used in the activate phase assuming the teacher is using an ESA learning style. These games are used for learning vocabulary, sentence structure and pronunciation. We will be going over three different games, and as we establish what each game is and their purpose, we can talk about what each student can learn with each type of game. The first game we will talk about is Surveys. The game is all about asking others questions and filling out a form. This game is perfect for student to student communication and giving them the time to talk with others that are on the same level as themselves. This game will engage their writing, pronunciation, and grammar abilities. After the game is complete, the students then present their results to the class. This will further help with pronunciation and public speaking. The latter is a bonus in this case because it will help the student get over the fear of public speaking. The second game we will talk about is Story Building. This game is exactly what it sounds like, the student takes something from the real world, such as headlines, picture prompts or topics and writes a story about it. This game is good for the process of learning how to write in English. Along with learning how to write, they will also use their ability on proper spelling, sentence structure, and the use of the past, present, and future tenses. The third game we will talk about is Role-Playing. This game can often come as a follow-up to Story Building. In this game the students act out a role in a realistic situation. This game is great to use in any classroom setting where students are learning a second language. The uses for this game can vary, but the main purpose of it is for the students to apply their language skills and practice effective communication. This game will also teach the students how to write out their roles on paper. By writing out their script, they will also go through the process of proper English writing. Therefore it can also be a good way for students to practice their abilities at writing and speaking with the past, present, and future tenses. Now that I have identified some games and how they help students learn, we can now discuss how can these games be used for learning. The games that we have discussed are used in the activate phase of an ESA lesson plan. Due to this, the games will always use the materials that the students learned that day in the classroom. Furthermore, they will use any information that they already know, combining it all together in a fun and engaging way. Students are more likely to retain information this way. In conclusion, games are an excellent learning tool that utilizes student’s abilities and knowledge in an informal manner. Games should be an important part of any teacher’s toolkit. They can be a good way for students to learn without feeling like they are learning, but rather simply having fun.