Teach English in Taocun Zhen - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Taocun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In an English classroom a teachers have a variety of roles with many aims. The most common thought of a role of a teacher might be a controller who fully organize classroom. Also teachers are expected as an assessor who assess students by correcting them and giving feedback to their development and performance. Another very important role is a manager. Teacher is the one of the classroom manager who plan a syllabus, a lesson or just a particular task and help to discipline the students. In the English classroom, students are usually very keen to find out whether or not they are producing correct English and this is where the teacher need to act as an assessor, giving feedback and correction as well as evaluating and grading. Furthermore, the teacher acts as a resource by supporting students when they need. A teacher provides additional information or simply talk to the students to provide the resource of spoken language. A teacher can be a participant. To increase the effectiveness of learning it is sometimes necessary to act with the students on the same level. Not only will the teacher gain an insight about the way students develop, but also give them the chance to interact with someone who has a much higher comprehension of target language. A role not directly related to the behavior of the teacher is the monitor or observer. The teacher analyzes the way of teaching, observes what is going on in the classroom and see the way students learn, with the aim to develop his or her methods of teaching. The other role is the model which goes beyond the classroom influencing children throughout their whole life. For example, students’ affection and fairness are not only learned from parents but also from teachers at school. Therefore a teacher must be fully aware that his behavior in general has a huge impact on the personal development of his or her students. In an English classroom, a teacher can also be a prompter. There are times when students will lose the thread of what they are trying to say or become stuck of ideas. When this happens the teacher needs to decide what to do about it. Should the teacher allow the student to work it out for himself or herself? Or should the teacher gently encourage the student along? If teachers choose the second option they are, in effect, acting as a prompter. When prompting, teachers have to be careful not to take the initiative away from the student. Therefore a great deal of sensitivity and encouragement is required. The last role that a teacher can be is a tutor. Tutoring implies a more personal role for the teacher. This role will often be employed when the student are working individually and need some guidance and support or when they are working in pair and the teachers stop briefly to give encouragement. Teachers need to ensure they give equal attention to all students and avoid intruding too much. The roles of teacher also differ in their influence on the lesson and whether the teachers are fulfilled actively or rather passively.