Teach English in Shanxi Jiangxian Jingji Kaifaqu [Shanxi Yixian Economic Development Zone] - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shanxi Jiangxian Jingji Kaifaqu [Shanxi Yixian Economic Development Zone]? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As you all know, if students want to speak English fluently, the first thing they have to achieve is confidence. So the reason why and how to build confidence in students? It’s important for students to feel confident, especially student who learn English because if they are self-confident, they will not learn as fast or achieve the purpose they need. The signs to know students who lack confidence are they often neglect or don't participate in activities the teacher gives in the class. To help the student learn English or new languages, the teacher should make them to be confident and feel happy, funny. Then they can communicate with others who speak English naturally. Young learners or adults will take part in the class or the lesson if they are interesting and confident. And with a lot of methods which are given by the teacher, the learner will speak English well. If the student doesn't feel confident, they will not speak English. So the teachers do not know which problem they meet, their wrong to correct them. The students will not improve their English skills and they will lose their happiness when they learn English in another class. In every English class, there are confident students and self-confident students. The student who is confident will like to take part in all activities to learn English and they will speak English if they have a chance. The student who is self- confident does not want to practice English. If the teacher does not have the experience to solve this problem, the class will separate into two different groups. The parents of the student will not see the improvement of their children. So the teacher has to choose suitable methods to help students feel confident, then they will learn English better. How to building confidence in students? There are many ways to do this. Firstly, when students come to class on the first day, the teacher has to prepare funny warm-up activities. Activities will make students feel comfortable and ready to learn English with their new teacher who they have first met. Warm-up activities will make the student feel relax and make friend with others. Students who are young (5 years old and down) need a lot of time to make friend with the teacher but they make friend quickly with people who are the same age. Therefore, funny activities will make them interested and they want to come to English class more. Secondly, the content and topic which the teacher will use to teach English should simple and easy to learn. So the student can understand deeply and repeat quickly. They will learn English if they find it easy to understand and it is happy. Student love compliment, too. So when students do good or actively participate in activities in class, the teacher should give them one or more compliment or some small gifts. In the next lesson, they will ready to take part in learning. Thirdly, the teacher should not correct students as much in activities. It’s important to correct students’ mistakes, but if teachers correct every other word when the student says, their confidence starts to suffer. They will feel English is too difficult to learn. And they will be embarrassing before their friends. They do not want to speak or take part in any activities. Make the necessary corrections when the teachers are doing targeted practice, but don’t interrupt or correct as much during performance activities when it’s better for students to just let go of their inhibitions and try to speak. Then, the teacher should pay attention to teach in context and use body language because it gives students a background to lean on – it’s much harder to learn isolated words or grammar without the right context to remember them by. It is true that we usually join in activities we know deeply. So if the teacher use body language or suitable contexts in English class, it will help their students a lot when they learn English. Confident students will learn English quickly and easily. To help them do that, the role of the teacher is very important. The teacher usually listens and look out their students to know self-confident students and help them become confident students.