Teach English in Qingtou Zhen - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qingtou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In education the word material refers to an idea or information that is made on a task which you need for an activity during teaching. They can be used in any level at any stage of the lesson plan as reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities. As an example worksheet is an material to practise the language. In addition other examples are visual aids such as flashcards, pictures, charts and audio aids such as recordings and CDs. Materials are divided into two, authentic materials and non- authentic materials. Authentic materials are produced for a aim other than the classroom on the other hand non- authentic materials are produced for specific aim of being a teaching aid. You can also use your materials to hang them on the classroom wall as decoration or hang them on the bulletin boards in the classroom. Students will examine them and reinforce their lesson topic. As an example for young learners and primary school students you can use pictures, for secondary school students you can use short writings and quotes, for high school students and adult learners you can use writings. To create something means to produce through imaginative skill. Important personal qualities of a creative English teacher are to be innovator, open to new perspectives, apply critical thinking and problem solving, prefer teamwork, be obvious to learning innovation, preparation and organisation skills about meaningful tasks that allow using the language. You should also follow students field of interest and follow what they are talking about, to be able to have an common sharing. Moreover, you can read the books they are reading, watch the same movies, listen to the popular songs among your students. Sometimes the resources you acquire might not provide your students level or need. They also might not suit your lesson plan or students interest. Rather than help students to learn some materials can divert students attention away. This can be because of the low or high level of questions, the language and topic of text, the colouring of the material or want to encourage an active learning atmosphere in classroom. In these situations the best thing is creating materials. Firstly you need to have a clear idea and know how you are going to use them before producing materials. They can be created by teachers and graded to the level of student and aim of the language target. Another key thing is to do brainstorming with students because in a class there are student and teacher so create materials about students interests. Keep in mind not to explain your usage of materials, instead demonstrate them to your students. To support the beginning of the lesson with engage stage you can prepare a visual aid presentation using power point, video about your topic, combine a infographic with a reading text or use a poster or flashcard later hang it on bulletin board in classroom. For study stage you can design worksheets with activities such as matching, reading, filling the blanks with song quotes. In the activate stage of your lesson you can create extra speaking materials for group or pair working. The advantages of creating materials are to have moments with pleasure during the lesson because you are preparing it for a specific reason. While creating materials awareness of students needs, teacher will have a successful classroom management because you’ll refine your own lessons in the process, making your teaching more efficient. Moreover you will improve the quality of education in your classroom. In conclusion when creativity, communication and collaboration come together successful, enjoyable and productive education will follow. Creating materials by using your imaginative and bearing in mind students interest and level will motivate learners. In other words, listen to others, think creative, develop ideas later use them in your lesson materials and don’t forget to share.