Teach English in Kaolao Zhen - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Kaolao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

1.Stress students get when they learn English, some do's and don'ts for English teachers: In teaching process, there are times when we are in situations of facing some student getting stress. We should not just ignore those, but have to face the reasons to solve. Why shouldn't we just leave them alone and do not interfere in those? Basically, because stress, even if it is from learning English or not, will confuse, cause bad influence on students' concentration and will lose their interest in learning English, and lastly, in the worst case, they might quit learning. With the responsibility of a teacher, we should find out and help our students to solve difficuties during learning process, including their stress, whether what the reasons are.  And one thing we should keep in our mind is that English teachers must be the first ones not to put pressure on their students. 2. Why students get stress when they learn English? Before helping students to overcome their stress, we should find out what the reasons are. There are some of these students might face to: - Points in class, good results in examinations: they have to get good points or pass some tests and examinations with high hope from themselves, from schools and parents. - To get some degree/ pass the contest: in learning,living or working process, there are times when students realize by themselves or requirements need that they should reach some limit in degree' score  or pass some contest to level up their skill, they might end up getting stress from these, especially if the time available is short, or their ability is limited.‎ - From english teacher or institue: if the institute urges, teacher gives too hard missions, fixes falses too much, forces, or even if the lessons are too boring, learning English will be like a very hard working, not interesting, neither funny, and students may think that they would never be good in using English and lose their confidence. That is the most reason why they quit learning and of course, this takes our responsibility the most. - Stress from outside: students might get stress from  outside of the classroom, neither from learning or working, though this doesn't come from learning English process, it still have bad influence on students' concentration in english learning.‎ We could see from above that the three on top are English-related reasons and the last one is English-non-related. After finding out the reasons making them get stress, we would then considerate what we should do for each cases to help the students. ‎ 3. How to help students to overcome their stress? -With the English-non-related one, the stress they get is from outside the classroom and does not come from learning English progress, so we could hardly interfere with this one, but we could still have some little friendly talk with students outside the classroom and give some advices if it is possible or needed. Or we could ask for some help from family or from institute if it helps. -If the stress is coming from points in class or they have to get good results in examinations, the urges and pressure they get make the scores get worse, which makes them more stressful and doesn't help the result. The most practical thing we can do is making them feel English is fun, easy to understand, easy to use, that way will make them feel more encouraged and more motivated, which also will produce better scores in school or in examinations. Beside of that, if this reason is not coming from themselves, we could talk with his/ her family to see if we can do something together to encourage students to feel more comfortable in learning process.  -Same for the stress they get from gaining some degree or passing some contest. The thing we should concentrate in this case is making English understandable and they can apply it easily in real conversations or missions and homework. -If the stress students get comes from the teacher or the institute, it is mainly our responsibility. It is the pressure we make during teaching process, either the missions and homework we give are too difficult or the way we teach is not friendly, funny or not understandable; those stuff will make students feel uncomfortable and they would naturally reject spontaneous learning English. We should first plan our stages very simple and do not put too much information and many activies in limited time, the urges they get from this will make them have to race hard while they have not fully understood information and the usage of that content. Secondly, the examples and usages must be given in concision, these must be easy to understand and easy for students to apply. And lastly, missions and activities must not be too hard to do but not too easy to become boring. Activies that need working in pairs or groups will help them feel more confident before presenting beyond the class; Because they will have more time to prepare and students can help giving ideas and fixing falses for each other. There are some activities which may help such as open dicussion,role-play, stimulation, story building, material production task (poster, advertisement etc.) or debate etc.‎ 4. Summary: In conclusion, psychology affects learning English process of the students. Therefore, we should not just leave them alone with stress, but concentrate on finding the reasons and then ecourage them to get over it, also help them to overcome the stress in our full ability. Asking for help from family, friends or institute will be useful in some situations. And the thing an ESL teacher should never forget is making them feel comfortable with learning and using language, we are the first ones who should not put pressure on students